Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sept Happenings

 Printing my blog book and somehow I missed September, October and November....  So I am adding a few favorite pictures but don't have much journaling to go with it.  Just didn't want to leave all these things out....

Sadly these pictures posted backwards in order and it takes too long to redo so they are from the end to the beginning of September....

Hanging out at one of Logan's soccer games.  He plays on a team with Morgan Jackman so the girls are happy to always have a friend at the games.  

Logan made this Family banner for Kindergarten.  Pretty cute! 

Cute baby Aver enjoying some Lucky charms that ended up stuck all over her face. 
Eating a banana....  she likes to just mash the whole thing in.  
Just scooting around her with sonic slush.  
Logan and his buddy Morgan after their first soccer game.  

Giving a big hug to brother after the game.  Pretty cute!  

Just some random pictures....  

Helping unload the dishwasher
Avery loves to be outside.  However she does NOT like her knees in the grass or the sidewalk.  Her Mowgli crawl is pretty adorable.  She can get around pretty dang fast!  
Working on walking and getting pretty brave

RSL game for Dad and Logan
Just trying on some of Grandma's shoes.  
We took Logan to see the Lion King with Brian and Val and their kids.  We had dinner before at an Italian restuarant in Salt Lake and Logan loved it!  

Watching Logan at the Lion King was magical!  He really loved it.  The opening scene was so amazing!  He got a little overwhelmed and started to tear up a little which I think confused him.  He leaned over to me and said, "Mom, sometimes you cry a little when you are so happy."  It was priceless!  Such a special date night with our Logan.

Working on walking

Cute view of those new teethers
Oh my....  This is one for the books!  Logan came home from Kindergarten with a chunk of his beautiful eyelashes chopped off!  Not sure what he was thinking!  Wish I could remember the conversation about this after....  It was a pretty memorable childhood moment!

Celebrating Uncle Kyle's 11th birthday

We love the Aggies!  We have season football tickets and the kids are so good about going to the games and love to do all the cheers.  

Rylee loves her cute new nightgown
Ready for another season of soccer!
Labor Day swim party at Grandma Webber's.  Aunt Katie is the favorite!  

First fishing trip.  Wish I remembered more details....  I think it was to a fish farm that one of Dad's patients owns.  

He caught one!!!  That is a really excited face!  

Logan was not going to touch the fish....  but Rylee had no problem!  

Logan has been pretty into Minute to Win it games lately.  Cupstacking is one of his new favorite hobbies.  

Took one last picnic before Logan started Kindergarten.  We took a picnic to Willow Park and played at the park and went to the zoo.  It will be weird to have Logan gone for awhile everyday!  

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