Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vacation Day 3 - More Driving and Arrival!

Saturday, July 17th was another LONG day in the car. The drive to Anaheim is a little over 4 hours from Vegas. We got up that morning and Darren went over to the condo to fix up some things from the renters and do a little touch up painting. It wasn't really part of the plan, but when we visited the day before we found a lot that needed to be done. I spent the morning doing a workout with Jen White, which was probably a mistake since I hadn't worked out in forever and I was going to Disneyland in a few days and would be doing a LOT of walking. I was pretty sore afterwards! We finally got things finished up and hit the road again.

Here we are at the gas station filling up so we can go. California or Bust!
Logan and Rylee ready to go!
Miss Avery looking really happy! She didn't do very well again, but we did discover a trick on this leg of the trip. Darren found if he rolled down her window, she would stop crying and usually fall asleep. It might have been a little mean and she probably stopped crying because she couldn't catch her breath, but it did work and we had to use this trick a LOT over the next week! She did OK once we figured this out and the drive was much happier for all of us!
No Webber family vacation would be complete without at least one In-N-Out Burger stops! This was our first (and NOT our last) on this trip on our way out of Vegas.
Logan LOVES his IN-N-Out Burger
Poor Rylee fell asleep before we got through the LONG drive through line.
Once Rylee woke up, I gave her lunch. The kids also got to choose a prize out of a LARGE bag of little surprises I packed. Ry got these new Princesses and couldn't stop playing with them - Even for her burger! I thought it was so funny how she had them all arranged in her food box. I also LOVE the face she is pulling - It cracks me up!
Logan got some little airplanes and Transformers. He needed a Leapster break.
Besides rolling down the window, our other saving grace with Avery was her little snack cup filled with crunchies (they are kind of like baby cheetohs..) They usually did the trick - at least for a little while.
We finally got to our hotel around 4 pm and were so excited to be settled somewhere for awhile! We loved our hotel and were happy to be DONE with long drives for at least a week, especially since Avery cried for the last 20 - 30 minutes of our drive. Grandpa Bill decided to take each family to dinner sometime during the trip and we got the first turn, along with Matt and Mandy's family at The Catch - a yummy sea food restaurant. We were just happy to be out of the car!
Logan and Daddy being silly - Dad kept giving Logan a lemon to taste. Logan thought it was pretty funny!

Rylee wanted a taste, too.

Avery having a little taste of ice cream! She LOVED it and kept grabbing my fork and pulling it into her mouth for more.
After dinner, we headed to Downtown Disney to walk around for a little bit. Logan couldn't WAIT to try the ESPN Zone. I think he might have been more excited for that than Disneyland!
Ready to explore Downtown Disney

Logan thought this Darth Vader at the Lego store was pretty soon as he was convinced it wouldn't move and get him!
Logan working on some Lego creations. We loved the Lego store!
Funny story....Yep - that is not our family! That is Darren's brother Matt and his cute family with Woody. We took a picture there too, but I guess it didn't work because this was the only one on our camera. Oh well! We like Matt and Mandy, too and this is a cute picture of them.
While Daddy and Logan headed to ESPN Zone, Mommy took the girls to the Build-A-Bear Store. The White's had given us a bunch of their old Build-A-Bears, and Rylee loved the pink bear they gave her, but it had a hole on the back that needed to be fixed. They were so cute to fix it for her and the little talking feature on it wasn't working either, so they fixed that, too. Rylee was thrilled! Then, she saw all the things you could buy for her bear and she really wanted something. She ended up picking out this Ariel costume, which was so perfect. I am so sad because I realized when I went through my pictures that we never got a picture of her with her bear. She had it with her all the time. She even came with a cute red wig. It was adorable! The best part was that Rylee REALLY wanted to get her some cute shoes, too, but I finally talked her out of them since Ariel has fins. She thought she needed a purse, as well. She loves her accessories - Such a girly girl!
If the Build-A-Bear store was Rylee's heaven, then the ESPN Zone was Logan's! We all played there for awhile. Logan loved every second of it, but the girls had fun, too. Daddy and Rylee loved riding the motorcycles.
Logan doing some mini-bowling. Love the face he is making! He takes this stuff seriously!
Rylee taking a turn
Logan doing some shooting

Ready to race!

I wish I would have gotten better pictures of this, but I'm pretty sure I was nursing Avery and trying to take pictures at the same time... After ESPN Zone, we went and listened to a Latin band for a little while. The kids had so much fun dancing around. I love Rylee's spinning! Logan busting a move
We were so happy to finally be in California and not driving with a screaming baby! And we were so excited to be with family and for our FUN week ahead!!!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Looks like a fun trip! Great documentation. Order a book yet?
Thanks again for the game!