Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vacation Day 10 & 11:The Trip Home

Hallelujah!!! I have come to the end of my never-ending posts from our trip that was FOREVER ago! I am so happy to be done with these, and to relive some fun memories...and dream about the SUN and a VACATION!!! I think I need one!!!

We got up Saturday morning (July 24) and packed up all our stuff...which was a LARGE task since we had been in the hotel for a whole week! The kids were dying for one last swim, so we went to the pool with the whole family (minus Kim's family because they left the day before). So much fun!!!
For some reason, the Webber's really like to all jump in the pool at the same time when we get together. Here they are getting ready....
And after they jumped in! I'm surprised there is still any water left in the pool!!! Haha!
Rylee getting a ride from Uncle Matt...and Parker...I don't know what he is doing...
My handsome hubby.... Sorry ladies! He is TAKEN!

All my favorite people hanging by the hot tub
Avery being entertained by her cousin Lauren. She was a family favorite during the trip since she was the baby and she loved everyone entertaining long as they didn't take her away from her mommy.
COUSINS!!! (Minus the 6 McCann's and Rae who couldn't come...) My kids are so lucky to have so many fun cousins that they love! Some of their bestest friends are their cousins. My cousins were all way younger than me growing up, so I didn't have that as much, although I did babysit them a lot and stuff. I think it is so fun for them to have each other! What a cute bunch!!!

Avery hanging out with Madi - She is the best to help with all the little ones! All the kids love Madi!
Logan loves the pool
My little swimmer baby! She was so happy at the pool.... Too bad that didn't last in the car!!!
Rylee and her cute cousin, Haley - She is the sweetest girl ever! We love her!!!
The hot hubby trying to get a tan... Notice I said never really happens!
After we finished swimming and got everything packed up (which involved a LOT of stress for mom), we headed to Downtown Disney. The plan was for us to meet everyone there, but of course, it took us longer to pack up and then I had to feed Avery, so by the time we got there, everyone else was headed out. We thought about skipping, but the kids were so excited to go there and wanted to pick out their souvenirs, so we went and did a little shopping...Daddy's favorite (wink, wink...). He should be glad that that was all we did! What I REALLY wanted to do was go back to Disneyland for another day since he still had another day on his pass. I really wanted to upgrade our passes and play for one more day and do some things we missed. I think we were all too tired to make it though. I really tried to talk Darren into using his pass and sneaking Rylee in for free (she is barely over the age requirement) just to take her on the Matterhorn before we left, but he wouldn't do it. Silly, I know, but I really wanted Ry to try it!
While the kids did some of their shopping, I went to check the lost and found one more time for Avery's cute ears. I really didn't want them to be lost, but they still didn't have them. On the way back, I made the girls pose with their letters since we had missed that on our other days. Avery and her A - I am standing behind her...Don't worry!
The girl that took these for me thought it was so cute that she said she is going to name her first baby an A name so she can do the same thing. Haha! The funny thing is I now feel pressure to name the rest of our children something that starts with one of the letters in California, so they are not left out when Logan, Avery and Rylee do their letter pictures. Weird, I know...
Rylee and her R...with some Rylee attitude!
We had told the kids they could each pick one thing while we were there. Then Grandpa gave them each $20, so they felt like they should get something else from him, too, so we gave in. I would feel bad spending their money anyway. We got Avery her little ears (which didn't make it home...) and then she got this little Princess Minnie with her money.
Rylee picked her Ariel Bear at the beginning of the trip and then she picked out these Princesses with her money. I really picked these out for Avery, but then Ry became obsessed with them and had to have them, so I told her they have to share them. They do love them and Rylee played with them all the way home, so they were a good choice!
Logan picked out his lightsaber he built himself and then he used his money for a Star Wars Lego set at the Lego store. He loved that place!
Logan posing with Woody at the Lego store.
Then it was time for our LONG drive home... The worst part of the vacation!!! Rylee loved this Princess sticker book from my bag of treats. It kept her busy for quite awhile.
Logan checking out his Dino sticker book. Rylee and Logan were the best travelers! They were great and stayed pretty entertained and would play with toys or watch a movie or whatever. They were SO good!
This one....not so much! Poor Avery HATES the car! No matter what we tried, she would usually just cry until she finally fell asleep! And she got used to our roll down the window trick, so it didn't help much either. Driving with a screaming baby is NOT fun for anyone! I think she cried a good hour or so before she fell asleep and then woke up and cried some more!
We made a quick stop in Barstow for some In-N-Out, since that is a Webber family tradition, and then it was back on the road. We were trying to decide if we were going to stop and stay in Vegas with some friends, or drive back to St George to stay at Darren's parent's house with the rest of the family. After listening to Avery scream, we had pretty much decided on Las Vegas, but then she fell asleep, so we just kept going and made it to St George. We got there pretty late, but it made for a shorter drive the next day.
We got up the next day and went to church and then headed for home. I think I must have been tired out because there are no pictures from our drive, which doesn't really happen with me. We stopped at my parent's house for Sunday dinner. The kids were so excited to tell everyone about their trip!
Since we missed the 24th of July celebrations, my cute little brother Kyle wanted the kids to get to do some fireworks, so he saved one for Rylee and one for Logan and we lit them before we left. The kids were thrilled! Here is our little belated Pioneer Day celebration for this year. Kind of sad - Just one sparkler! Kyle was so sweet to think of them though.
Phew!!! That is it!! I am done with these posts - Yeah! I think that is about how I was feeling by the end of the trip, too - DONE! Maybe that is part of the reason it took me so long to get it blogged. But, now I am ready for another vacation!!!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Thanks for the fun tonight. My kids can't stop talking about all the cool stuff we get to do with you guys!