Friday, December 17, 2010


Aug 16 - Since the kids didn't get to do a lot of fun celebrating for Daddy's birthday, we decided to go do something as a family the next day. We let the kids help pick something fun and they decided on bowling! We don't go very often, but when we do the kids LOVE it! We had a great time.
Love these cute little bowling shoes
Ready to bowl!

I think this was her first bowling trip...

Sisters! I think Avery is not too happy about that, but Rylee loves to help!
She is ready to bowl! The ball looks bigger than her!
She is blowing the ball to go her way...
Logan is a somewhat dangerous bowler! He seriously runs full speed and throws it like a baseball or something down the lane! Crazy!
Excited about his bowling!
Avery loved the bowling ball return and it was so hard to keep her out of there and not have her fingers pinched. Her favorite part was the little fan, which I never even realized existed before. She thought it was so funny and kept putting her fingers and her face in it!

She looks so happy!
Getting some help from Daddy

We love fun family days like this! They are the best!

1 comment:

Karmann said...

they looked like they had so much fun! Gosh they are getting so big and oh so cute! Cant believe in just a couple of months its been 3 years since I have seen you and the kids! Crazyiness! So glad I still have you close to me even though we havent acutally seen each other! Love and miss you!