Thursday, December 2, 2010


Today, Logan totally made my day! I sent him out the door to catch the carpool. He rarely even looks back once he is out the door. I went back inside to get Avery ready for a nap and Rylee some lunch and I hear him come running back in. He was saying he forgot something. Then, he ran up to me and gave me a big hug and kiss! He totally made my whole day! Oh, how I needed that at that moment! Of course, it gave me a little guilt because I had been yelling at him a few minutes before so he would be ready on time (something we struggle with every day), but I love that he did that! I love that he is such a sweet boy and I love that he still loves his mom and isn't embarassed to give me a hug and kiss! (He does wipe them off sometimes, but not today!) I have days where I really struggle with him being gone everyday to kindergarten and I wonder how he got so big so fast! That hug made me feel loved and needed! I love that sweet boy!!!

1 comment:

Karmann said...

What a sweet boy!!! It makes me miss summer looking at your last few updates! It was fun to think it was warm and sunny outside and escape from the cold and snow! Sure love you! Miss you too!