Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Princess Party

April 16 - You may remember Rylee's picture in the paper awhile ago.... Here is the rest of that day's pictures.

Awhile back, we went to Angie's for breakfast with some friends and I saw a flyer for a local organization that was doing a Princess Party for a fundraiser! As soon as I saw the words "tea party with Cinderella", I knew I needed to take Rylee and that she would LOVE it! We found a friend to come along and Rylee was SO excited to get all dressed up and see some Princesses and get pampered! It was such a fun day!
Rylee and her cute little friend Savanna all dressed in their Princess stuff and ready for a fun day! When we got there, the line was out the door! I had tried to pre-register, but they said I couldn't, but just to come and pay at the door and it wasn't a big deal. When we got to the front, they said registration was full and we couldn't do it. I got pretty mad, and explained I had called and they didn't tell me it could sell out and they let us in. It is a good thing...we would have had 2 very upset little girls!
My little Princess! When we went in, she got a special Princess sash and a rose from Prince Charming!
Rylee with Cinderella and Prince Charming
First item of business, painting nails! Rylee loves having her nails done. They don't last long though because she bites off all the polish!
Showing off her pretty Princess nails
They did a little Princess cakewalk next and somehow they both won a prize after the first 2 rounds! That was great because no one was sad and we didn't have to stay at that game too long. Then, we moved onto storytime by the fairy godmother. This was Rylee's favorite for sure! She LOVED it!
Rylee and Savanna listening to the Fairy Godmother's story. She was so cute with them! They didn't move for a long time. They stayed there most of the time we were there.
This is where they got their picture taken for the newspaper.
Cute Princesses
The tea party wasn't quite what I imagined.... It was really just eating and Cinderella kind of walked around and she stopped and talked to the girls about saying Please and Thank You for a second. Rylee enjoyed her chocolate dipped goodies!
Rylee showing off her giant strawberry
Rylee walked by the Mad Hatter and he started talking to her about her huge strawberry. At first, she was really scared of him, but after a little bit, she was just chatting away. It was really cute! It is a good thing they became friends because he was her escort for the fashion show later. Next, we made tiaras. Rylee loved all the "diamonds"! Rylee HAD to meet Belle!
And Ariel did her makeup! How cute is that? She was loving it and Ariel was so cute with her.
Rylee and Ariel
We played a few other little carnival type games and Rylee won a couple little prizes. Then, we had some time to kill before the fashion show. Rylee insisted that we stay for that part, so we went back over to the Fairy Godmother. Rylee enjoyed listening so much! There was a little girl who elbowed Rylee and yelled at her to get out of the way and she was crushed! But, she finally left and Rylee went back over.
Here are a few other friends - Cinderella...
The fairy Godmother
The Fairy Godmother with Rylee and Savanna. I think they were her favorites, or at least I think they spent the most time with her. She was so sweet with them and they loved that she wanted to see their painted nails and everything.
Mrs Potts
At the end of the party, they had a special fashion show where each little girl got to walk the runway and they called out her name. This was Rylee's favorite part! She LOVED it! I think she was a little bummed that she ended up with the Mad Hatter and not a Princess, but they had become friends earlier, so it worked out OK and he was spinning her the whole way. Sadly, my pictures were awful of this, but since it was her favorite, I had to post it.

What a fun day! I love having the chance to do one-on-one activities with the kids when I can. It lets me see them in a different way and really enjoy them and makes them feel so special. I love my Rylee and how excited she gets and how girly she is...even if I am not! We had a great time together and with our friends! It is so fun to have a little girls day now and then!

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