Thursday, June 30, 2011

Visit from The Bunny

April 23 - The bunny came to our house!!! The kids were really excited about his visit. We have worked out an arrangement for the Easter bunny to visit us on Saturday instead of Sunday so that it doesn't interfere with Church and we can talk about the real meaning of Easter. It makes for a fun Saturday morning! Logan was up bright and early and REALLY wanted to wake up the girls. He could see an egg or two downstairs by looking over the railing and he wanted to get started on our hunt, but we made him wait until everyone was awake (and mom had the camera ready, of course...) He was very patient and the girls were awake soon after.
Ready to head downstairsThey look pretty serious to start their hunt!
We told the kids they had to let Avery get some of the easier eggs and Rylee was so sweet to help Avery find lots and let her have some. I was so proud of her. Avery was way more into finding the eggs than I thought and did a great job! (Sorry for the blurry pictures. I was trying to use the video feature on my camera and take still pictures with it and they don't focus very well. I am still trying to figure it out!)
Filling up the egg cartonLogan spotted the first special surprise from the Easter Bunny on the patio - A wiggle racer!!!
Avery found another eggLogan was also the first one to find his basket. I think he likes this dinosaur book... What do you think?
And Miss Avery LOVES her candy!!! I think this was even better than Christmas for her - The girl LOVES candy!
Rylee was the last one to find her basket.
Rylee spreading out her goods from the basket. Besides lots of candy, Rylee got a couple alphabet workbooks, bubbles, a bouncy ball and another funny little ball, a fancy pen (with a plume like Fancy Nancy) and a furry pink notebook! (She loves to write, or at least pretend she is writing!)
All Avery wanted was the candy OUT of the egg! It made her so mad that she couldn't get it out herself! While we were emptying baskets, Logan found a note from the Easter Bunny saying that he must have dropped something from his bag because some of the special surprises he had planned for the kids were missing when he got here. He said he would try and find them and drop them off later. Logan was very curious about what the surprises could be...

Rylee and her basket of goods!

This girl really likes Peeps! I think they are gross, but she loves them!
Avery likes Peeps, too. Actually, she likes ANY kind of candy. She isn't picky at all!
Checking out her new Elmo book. I love her expression.
Avery and her basket - She got candy, a bouncy ball and a funny Koosh ball guy, bubbles and an Elmo book.
Each of the kids also got a dollar in one of their plastic eggs. Logan thought that was the coolest thing ever!
Logan and his basket - He got bubbles, a bouncy ball and Koosh ball, candy, some wiffle balls to practice with for Tball and a dinosaur workbook.
Logan reading his dino book
After the kids looked through their baskets and ate lots of candy, they tried out the new Wiggle rider. It looked pretty fun!
All Avery wanted to do was "wee-ng" and "ide" (swing and slide). She stands by the door all the time and asks to go swing and slide all the time. She loves to be outside! Too bad she can't push herself! She has gotten really good at climbing the rock wall and can go up it and down the slide all on her own! It is a little hard to watch, but she does it really well and so far only one little fall.
Our yummy breakfast! Cinnamon rolls and strawberries! Yum! And I love Avery's hand - We are always asking her "who wants strawberries?" or "Who wants breakfast?" or whatever and her tiny little hand she shoots up in the air and she says "Meee!!!"
After breakfast, the kids went up to get early and found that the Easter Bunny had come back and left a special surprise on their beds! They were SO happy with their pillow pets! They had been wanting one since Christmas! I didn't really get the hype of these things and the kids didn't seem interested into all their friends had one and then they really wanted one - Good thing the Easter Bunny came through! Rylee's was a pink bunny. She said it had "pink fluffiness all over the top"
Logan's was a green Triceratops that he named "Three-horned Face". Love it! And don't mind my VERY messy toy room...
Avery got a cute little monkey - So appropriate! An attempt for a picture with all the pillow pets, but Avery was not cooperating. She just wanted to throw hers.
Rylee loves her bunny!
Logan and his dino
Avery and her silly face
Oh this girl and her poses and sassiness!
Logan cuddling up with Daddy and his new pillow pet
These two were being so silly!
Once we had pillow pets, the kids wanted to try them out, so it was nap time in the upstairs hallway. Or at least it looked like it. They were all laying all over. Even daddy! What a fun morning! Next it was off for some more hunting at Grandma's...

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