Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rylee's FOURTH birthday

Mar 29 - I know that Rylee's birthday was a long time ago, and I did do a short post of the highlights, but I wanted to post some of the details for her to have... and for me. It was such a fun day! I love birthdays!!!
Here is the little Princess sleeping at exactly 7:39 am - the EXACT second that she turned four!
We usually like to do presents first thing in the morning, just like Christmas. But, Daddy had to be at work at 6:30 am, so we had to wait until he came home. Rylee got a special birthday outfit to keep her a little excited and spent the morning skipping her chores and watching a special birthday episode of Dora while Mommy did some chores and got everyone ready to go.
Logan, Rylee and Avery watching Dora in our toy room. That couch is not in a place people see in our house in case you were wondering...
This is something new at our house for birthdays. I got it as a Christmas gift and it was so fun counting down to Christmas this year, that we decided to use it for birthdays, too. Since all my kids have a birthday at the end of the month, we just get it out once it is their birthday month and count down to their BIG day. They love it and Rylee was VERY excited once those numbers said zero!
At our house, on your birthday you get to choose every meal. For breakfast, Rylee wanted chocolate chip pancakes. About a week earlier, we had gone to Village Inn with some friends and 2 kids ate free with every adult meal, so I thought it would be fun to do that again. Ry loved going out and some friends were able to come along. The only problem was they stopped their kids eat free promotion, so it didn't work out as great as I thought it would, but we had a great time and some yummy food!
Rylee and her breakfast buddies - Gracie and Logan! We were so glad to have Jill, Gracie and the twins join us for breakfast! It was a bit chaotic with 6 small children (3 One year olds!) but it was a fun morning.
Mommy and the birthday girl
Avery loves drinking with a straw
Yummy chocolate chip pancakes!!!
While we were at breakfast, the birthday girl got a phone call from Dad. He hadn't seen her that morning, so he called to talk to her once he had a break at work. She loved it! She got a few phone calls during the day from family and she felt so special!
After breakfast, we had to get Logan off to school and then Rylee chose to go get her nails done. I gave her a few choices, but she really wanted to do that and she wanted it to be just me and her, so we took Avery's to a friend's so we could have some Mommy/Daughter time. She loved it!
Rylee REALLY wanted some cute flowers on her nails, but the guy didn't think he could make them work on her tiny little fingers. Luckily, he was able to and she loved them! She was all smiles there and chatted to the guy doing her nails the whole time. He was nice to just smile and nod at her, but I don't think he really was listening or understood.
After nails, we made a quick stop at Daddy's office to say hi. Rylee loved all the attention from everyone.
Next, Rylee was off to her friend Madi's birthday party. Rylee and Madi have the EXACT same birthday and are the best of friends. Isn't that fun? Madi was also having a Tangled party! Rylee had so much fun having lunch and painting and doing lots of Tangled stuff with Madi and her other friend Allie.
When Rylee got home from the birthday party, some of her friends dropped off a present for her. They got her a Tangled T-shirt. She loves these girls and thinks she is just one of them, even though they are a lot older than her. Whitney, Gracie and Brooke with Rylee.
Next, Rylee was waiting for presents. Daddy was putting the finishing touches on the last big present, so we had to stall a bit. Rylee was getting so excited! I made her do a little photo shoot in her cute new dress while we waited for Dad to finish.
Ready to open presents...
Finally time to rip into them! I think Logan was just as excited as Rylee about the present he gave her. He got her a Princess Leia Star Wars figure. She has been wanting one forever but they are really hard to find and Logan was so excited when he found one. (A Princess Leia toy was actually the bribe that Rylee used to give up her binky last year, but then we couldn't find one so she settled for a scooter instead...)
I can already tell there is going to be lots of Star Wars playing with these two! At least now Ry has some girls to play with when they play together.
I love watching Ry open presents. She gets so excited over every little thing and she LOVES new clothes! I don't think many kids do, at least at this age, but Rylee gets pretty excited over them.
New PJs for her PJ party the next day!
Rylee really wanted this Tangled book when we were at the store a few days before her birthday. I wasn't going to just buy it for her with her birthday coming up, so I said no. She really wanted it, so I told her she could buy it for Madi's birthday and then I snuck it into her presents. When she opened it, she was so funny! She had the funniest face and kept saying that I tricked her.
Yeah...The Tangled Movie! Ry was really excited about that one!
A Princess Oven - I love the facial expression!
Strawberry shortcake!
And finally.... A new BIG girl Princess bike! We left it on the porch and rang the doorbell and she was pretty excited to find her new pink bike! Unfortunately, the streamers lasted about 15 seconds...
Rylee trying out her new bike!
For dinner, Rylee could choose anything she wanted. She chose to go to Texas Road House. I think she just wanted to ride the birthday saddle! Here are mommy and Rylee at dinner.
Silly boys Daddy and Logan
And Avery hamming it up!
Taking a ride in the birthday saddle! She was LOVING this!!!
Avery thought this lime was yummy! She was pulling such funny faces.
The birthday girl eating her ice cream! Her favorite part of her dinner was the vegtables. She is such a funny girl!
Ry loved her Princess card from Mommy and Daddy that played music.
And now for the cake! Even though Rylee had a dessert at the restaurant, I always feel like there needs to be a special cake and candles on their actual birthday. It is probably really silly of me, but I do. Here is Ry with her little Tangled cake for our fam.
Rylee and Mommy before we blew out candles.
Daddy and Avery wanted to be in a picture, too.
Logan, Rylee and Avery ready for some cake!
Daddy and Ry and her PINK flowers. Daddy has started a tradition for the last couple of birthdays that he always gives the girls special flowers for their birthdays. Rylee has loved this! I'm sure Avery will too when she is a little bigger. Isn't he the cutest daddy ever?
I love how excited she is!
Happy Birthday to You....
Making a wish...
Eating some cake and PINK ice cream - just what she wanted!
Avery having some cake.
After cake and ice cream, Rylee tried out a few of her new toys. She was loving her cute Strawberry Shortcake set!
One of my favorite parts of the whole day was watching these two play together. I'm not sure how the worlds of Strawberry Shortcake and Star Wars go together, but they seemed to figure it out quite well and played together great for a long time. It was so funny to listen to!
The birthday girl right before bed with her presents and in her new PJs. She had such a special day! Just for my journaling, here is what she got: Princess Leia aciton figure, Clothes, Pjs, some books (My Little Girl, Olivia goes to Venice and Tangled), a Magna Doodle thing and some water color paint markers, (She loves art!!!) Tangled movie, Princess magic oven, Strawberry Shortcake set and a Princess bike!

I probably go a little overboard on birthdays, but I feel like it is their ONE special day of the whole year and I always want it to be all about them. (Of course, we also have a few parties so I seem to drag that special day out into a week or so...) I love celebrating them and making them feel special and having a day just for them! Birthdays are so great! I'm so glad that my kids were born and a part of our family. We love our little Princess so much! Happy fourth birthday Rylee!!!

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