Monday, June 27, 2011


My little man is officially SIX! I am feeling a little teary just typing that! I don't know how he grew up so fast. I was watching him yesterday at the party with our family and I couldn't believe how big he was! He had on a fitted Aggies hat my brother bought him, which was too big, but still! He is big enough to wear a REAL fitted hat...or at least almost! He was also wearing a watch my brother gave him that he checked a hundred times that day. And he was wearing shorts with his dress socks and he just looked so big! I don't know what that happened! Especially when he started out under 5 lbs!

Today was filled with everything a birthday should least if you are Logan! It had chocolate chip pancakes, a trip to the pool, pizza, friends, LOTS of Legos and Star Wars time, no chores, Chuck-A-Rama, vanilla ice cream, a trip to the movie (Cars 2) with the fam and blowing out candles and the birthday song. I think it was a good day for him. I hope it was - He is truly a special kid who deserves a special day. He makes us all laugh everyday...usually many times each day. He is the best big brother and the sweetest kid I could ask for! I just love my BABY boy...even if he is now SIX! Happy Birthday Log!

Now to prepare for the Jedi Training Birthday Party tomorrow! Should be fun. And someday I will get it posted, too...


Ginny Wright said...

Really Brooke - Chuck-A-Rama?????

Ginny Wright said...

If Logan likes Chuck-A-Rama then either you or Darren must have Barney blood in you because Gene's relatives (and Gene love it too) which also means you like cabbage, use toast for pie crust when you run out of flour, know how to make not just cantalope leather but also beet leather and also make (and use) your own deodorant. Oh - I should have realized - its Darren who must have Barney blood - cause my mother-in-law went to the dentist when she was 20 and told him that she knew dental visits over her lifetime would cost her alot of money so she asked him to pull out all her teeth and give her false teeth - AND HE DID - and now Darren is a dentist so there must be a connection!