Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just the Usual

I have been meaning to post these recent funny conversations for awhile, but haven't sat down at the computer long enough to finish doing it! My kids are the funniest people I know. Here are a few recent examples...

I was putting Legos together with Logan, which has been a full time job lately with all the new sets he got for his birthday. I was looking for a particular piece and I couldn't find it and said we might have to order a new one. He kept telling me he knew it was there and found it and then looked at me and shook his head and said, "Mom, sometimes you really concern me."

Logan came in and laid in bed with us the other morning and out of the blue he said, "When I turn 13, I'm going to build my own protocol droid." When I asked him more about it, he said that the droid can do all his chores and he can just sit around and play video games.

We were putting Rylee to bed the other night and she randomly brought up the curlers that I use in her hair sometimes. I think she might have seen them in the drawer when I was getting her toothbrush out. She was telling Darren how she didn't like wearing them and he told her how pretty she looked with them and she said, "No. They make me look like Michael Jackson's sister."

The other day, Logan and Rylee got into a fight. I was outside with Avery and Rylee came out with all of her Polly Pocket Princesses in a bag and got on her bike and told me she was packed and was running away to her friend Savanna's house. I asked her how long she was going to stay and she said, "FOREVER!" I told her I would be sad and she said, "Ok. I'll just go there for a night and a day." Somehow I convinced her to stay. That was our first running away threat. I'm sure there will be many!

We have been reading the Magic Tree House books together and the kids love them! They love to play Jack and Annie and pretend they are the characters from the book. We finished one of the books the other day and they were in total Jack and Annie mode while we were getting into beds. Logan said to Rylee, "Good night, Annie. Tomorrow - Same place, Same time - Another adventure!" So cute!!!

My brother got a ball python snake! YIKES!!! It is pretty big. We were visiting the other day and Darren loves reptiles and stuff and couldn't wait to hold it. He tried to get the kids to touch it, too, but Logan was NOT going anywhere close. Rylee walked right up to it and started petting it and was loving it. Logan said, "See Rylee! You just rush right into danger. I like to think about things before I do them and be cautious."

Logan just finished his first t-ball season (HOORAY!!!) and I survived coaching 4 and 5 year olds! It was fun, but a bit stressful. Logan's favorite place to play was catcher. Want to know why? Because before each batter, he would sing a little song before he would place the ball on the tee... You know the one.... ball! Then he would do some commentary, like "up to bat now for the Jays number 14". Crazy kid! He also liked to play first, only he would never pay attention because he was always talking to the base runners. I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was "giving them advice"

Logan gave a talk on the Holy Ghost in church a couple weeks ago. The mic wasn't working, so he just read it without the mic. He did a great job. Right before he finished, the mic came back on. He stopped and said, "Huh? Did something just happen to the microphone?"

Logan got several new Lego sets for his birthday. Legos are his current obsession! We had his family party the day before his birthday and he got 3 new sets! He is a spoiled little boy! Right before he opened his presents from mom and dad on his actual birthday, he said, "If I get one more Lego set that will be FOUR in TWO days and I am going to FREAK out!" I think he also mentioned his head exploding...

And my Avery... Her new favorite word is "lego" since Logan's are everywhere around the house right now. She says it so funny, especially with her gruff little voice. I laugh every time I hear it!

Avery is also my candy baby. She wants to have it all day! For Logan's birthday, we had a pinata and there was lots of broken candy in the driveway and that girl could NOT leave it alone! She is like a little scavenger. She is always climbing onto the counters if she sees any and the other day Darren was eating some in the car and she FREAKED until he shared.

Avery was also the cutest addition to Logan's party. I will have to post some pictures soon. We dressed her up as Yoda and it was adorable! Rylee also loved the party and has insisted on Leia piggies in her hair every day since!

Avery has also gotten over her shyness and loves people. She is always walking up to people and saying "hi!" and waving in their face and just staring at them. She especially loves babies and thinks anyone under 3 is a baby (even if they are bigger than her!) and will run up to them and say "BABY!" She loves to tell everyone our family's names, almost like she is introducing us. She goes through the list whenever she talks to anyone... "Log, Ry, Mama, Dad" and she calls herself "vry". She also has started calling any adult man "dad" and any adult woman "Mom". I think she doesn't know what else to call them. It is different than the way she says it for Darren and I though.

Sorry - This post ended up much longer than planned. I just think my kids are so funny and I don't want to forget this fun stage they are in!

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