Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rylee's Tangled Party

Apr 3 - One last birthday post for Rylee. We had a family party the Sunday following her birthday. Our family's are both quite large, so they tend to be quite an event! We had it on a Conference Sunday and some of the family came up a little early and watched Conference with us. Since I didn't make a cake, it was way low stress for me! I am usually trying to finish everything last minute, so this party was great! Rylee was very excited to have everyone over to celebrate! I know it stretches her birthday out for about an entire week, but isn't that how birthdays should be? I think so!
Ry in her cute outfit ready to party!
Rylee with some of her decor - a Tangled cake and banner and flowers from Daddy. We had 3 different banners hanging around the house. They were so cute! Thanks to my friend Jenn for letting us borrow them!
Rylee had a lot of fun playing with her cousin Lauren in the kitchen. Lauren is a lot older than Rylee but they played together really well.
Ready to open presents - She got spoiled! I love the many facial expressions she makes! This present was a whole bag of art supplies from Great-Grandma P. She loved them! She loves to color and draw and paint and this was perfect!
Clothes from Great Grandma M. She also gave Rylee a book and a Snow White Polly Pocket Princess set with a kitchen! Ry was excited!
Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay and Ethan gave Rylee 2 really cute picture frames - This is the one Aunt Heather made for her. Thanks to her my kids have cute decor for their rooms. I'm not so good at making stuff for them, but she has made them a ton of cute things. She also got a special Ariel pen with a PLUME (like Fancy Nancy's) from Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian and they took her for ice cream that week and her Webber cousins and Uncle Brian and Aunt Val gave her a Hello Kitty toy.
She was SO excited about this! A Tangled set from Grandma and Grandpa Webber! With a FLYNN RIDER!!! She loves when she gets the boys to go with her Princess dolls.
And a Tangled tower from Grandma and Grandpa Webber!
I don't know what she is doing here, but she is just funny. She is so good about saying thank you to everyone while she opened presents.
Uncovering her last present from Grandma and Grandpa Boman and the uncles - They told her their was a monster under the blanket and she did NOT appreciate that!
Ta-DA! My mom made this FABULOUS setup for Rylee's dressups. Isn't she amazing? I saw one in a magazine that was awesome but cost $150! So I showed it to my mom and she came up with this, which looks almost exactly like the original! It is perfect for Ry to hang all her Princess dressups on and she loves organizing her things in it.
It even has a mirror for Rylee to check herself out in! She is always talking about going into her "dressing room" so this is so perfect for her!
Miss Avery being crazy!
My cute nephew Ethan reading a book
Avery doesn't really like other people besides Mom and Dad. She is in that hard clingy stage right now. She was LOVING Lauren though and kept giving her hugs.
The birthday girl with her cakes.

Mom and Dad with the Little Princess
Avery stole a treat and made a run for it!
Ry's big cake...thanks to Sam's Club!
Cute little twinners! I love these sweet baby girls! I love the faces they are pulling in this one.

I am in love with these little Ruffle legs they have on. Do you think they come in my size?
Time to blow out the candles...
Having some cake! Lauren was so nice to push Avery around on her little bike. They were having so much fun!
Avery playing with cousin, Madi.
I tried to get a picture of Rylee with each of the party guests, but it was a little crazy and some left before I could get their picture. Here is Ry with Great Grandma Mary. The guests that left before picture time were Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian, Aunt Heather, Uncle Jay and Ethan, Grandma and Grandpa Webber and Uncle Brian, Aunt Val and Madi, Parker, Spencer and Lauren.
Ry and Grandma Boman with her Dress ups holder that Grandma built! She couldn't wait to get them all hung up and organized. She brought them all down as soon as we finished cake!
Rylee and Great-Grandma Pauline
Rylee and Uncle Brad - I didn't know he closed his eyes or I would have taken another picture.... And I love the hand on the hip pose!
Rylee and Uncle Jeff. We have been talking about him going on a mission soon and I think my kids are going to have a hard time! They love their Uncle Jeff!
Ry and Uncle Kyle
Ry and Grandpa B
Rylee (and Logan) were really excited to try out the new Tangled toys. It was great that there was even a Flynn for Logan! They had a great time with these since they love the movie SO much! Another party come and gone! I love hosting these things and all the love our family shows for our kids. It is a lot of work sometimes, but so worth it.

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