Thursday, June 30, 2011

On the Hunt...

April 23 - Once we were done with the hunt at our house, it was time to head to Grandma Pat's and Grandpa Bill's for a little more hunting with our Webber cousins. Mom and Dad had a new outfit for the kids to wear as another fun Easter surprise. I have this disease where I like the kids' clothes to coordinate....

And this other disease where I want to take a million pictures of them all the time... and then post them all on my blog...
I love these kids! And I like these cute outfits, too!

Grandma's hunt was lots of fun. She let the kids go from youngest to oldest so the little ones could grab a few eggs before all the big kids got out there. Avery got to go first since Baby Cameron wasn't there. She did pretty well for being so little and got lots of fun things and lots of candy.
Finding eggs...
The haul! Rylee and her basket of goodies
Logan and his basket
Avery checking out her loot. I'm pretty sure she is looking for MORE candy!
She kept trying to carry her basket. I think it weighed as much as her! She is so independent!

It was another really fun day! The kids love any chance to be with their cousins and they have so much fun all together! We are lucky to have a Grandma who does such fun things and gets us all together so often and spoils the kids so much.

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