Saturday, June 11, 2011


Literally.... Pun INTENDED! We are up to our eyeballs in poop at our house. Logan started with diarrhea on Saturday night. I just thought he ate something bad or something, but it got worse and he started complaining about his tummy more and more so I took him to the Dr. on Tues morning. They couldn't find anything really wrong, but sent me home with a stool sample kit to test some things. Luckily, my fabulous husband handled that for me. I got a call on Thursday saying Logan had an unspecified infection but all the initial specific tests had come back negative. Thursday night Avery started to get grouchy and have diarrhea as well. Friday morning, the Dr office called and said that Logan's culture came back and he had SALMONELLA! Awesome! And...Salmonella is contagious, which I didn't know and since Logan was acting pretty well besides the diarrhea, I wasn't too careful about him being around my girls or even other people. He went to soccer camp and tball games this week. Oops! I feel awful if we gave it to other people! I had no idea! They gave me an antibiotic for Logan and for Avery since she had started symptoms as well. Yesterday, after we found out and I picked Logan up at soccer camp, we got medicine going and watched movies all day. That Netflix membership has now paid for itself! Today, Rylee woke up with a sore tummy and now has diarrhea as well... So... A lot more poop to come! Looks like more movies and PJs for us and more laundry for mom! The good news is Logan's fever broke this morning and he is acting much better. It only took a WEEK! I'm hoping since the girls should be on medicine sooner, it won't be as long. I'm REALLY hoping for that. I am SO tired of cleaning up poop!!! Not the best start to summer break... Its got to get more exciting from here, right?

1 comment:

The Ollies said...

Oh my gosh--that stinks (pun intended)! That's crazy. I hope that you and Darren don't get it too. I've been trying hoping we could get together again soon, but maybe I should be glad that it hasn't worked out. :) I feel sorry for you and your poop cleaning. Let me know when you're all feeling better so that we can BBQ!