Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Princess PJ Party

Mar 30 - For Rylee's party with her friends she really wanted a Tangled party. Since the movie came out on DVD on her birthday, I suggested we watch the movie instead of a regular party with games and she LOVED the idea. So, we decided to have a PJ party and it was so much fun! Our party guests all came in their PJs and brought their pillows and blankets. Our original plan was to have the party at night and have pizza and stuff, but we couldn't find a night that worked, so we did a morning party with breakfast. Rylee was SO excited for days before and kept naming off all the people she wanted to invite. She wanted to invite EVERYONE she knew, so we had to limit her a little bit. She had a great time with her cute friends.
We served breakfast first. It was a PINK breakfast and the girls loved it. Here are all of Rylee's cute little friends ready to eat - From Rylee clockwise - Rylee, Madi, Allie, Sky, Arita, Eliza, Savanna and Kylie.
Here is our PINK breakfast - Pink chocolate chip pancakes, pink juice, strawberries (they are a little bit red...) and Pink scrambled eggs. Darren didn't think the girls would eat the eggs because when we dyed our eggs green for St Patrick's Day, the kids didn't want them. PINK eggs were a much bigger hit though - The girls LOVED them! I think little girls will eat anything if it is pink! We served the food on frying pans to fit with the Tangled theme. Not that 4 year olds notice that kind of thing...
The set up
Rylee's cake - There is a funny story about this cake. I looked at lots of different parties online to get ideas for Ry's party. My good friend, Jenn, was also doing a Tangled party for her little girl, Madi, the day before Rylee's party. (They share the exact same birthday). We looked at the same party and were making all the same things. So, Jenn was ahead of me in making stuff (I am a last minute person), so she just offered to let me use it all - The decorations and the cake since it wasn't really edible anyway. AWESOME! It saved me so much time! The banners were so adorable, too but I'm not sure if they show up in these pictures... Maybe in the next party post they will. It was the least stressful birthday party I have ever done...because Jenn did all the hard stuff for me and cakes always stress me out! Maybe next year I will have to take a turn and share with her. It is a great arrangement! So...I can't take credit for the cake. Isn't it cute?
The birthday girl enjoying her breakfast
After breakfast, we opened presents.
Avery being tickled by Aunt Vanessa. She is a crazy girl!
Rylee opening her gifts. My friend, Summer, came and took pictures for me of the party. She is so great! Thanks!!! I also had help from Darren (the breakfast cooker) and my sister, Vanessa. Gosh... It is starting to sound like I didn't do anything for the party...

Ry got some very cute stuff from her friends. She LOVED this big Tangled set for hair and makeup stuff. Her favorite part is the fake nails! She also got the Tangled soundtrack, a really cute Littlest Pet shop set with a cute girl doll (I didn't even know they had those...), a Little Pony, a Barbie fairy, a big Dora puzzle, a Belle Princess Polly Pocket, bubbles and sidewalk chalk and a BIG pink ball.
Next, it was time to watch the movie. The girls all got their pillows and blankets set up and were so excited!
Avery - She's a cute little stinker!
The cute girls all sprawled out and watching the movie. Since it had just come out the day before, it was a pretty exciting movie for them to watch and they were all really into it! Cute little Savanna said she needed someone to snuggle with and curled right up to my sister about halfway through. I should have taken a picture - It was pretty cute.
I got cute Tangled cups for them to have popcorn and candy in. That is my kids' favorite part of our movie nights...the special treat mixed in with their popcorn. This is Rylee, Arita and Sky. All of the other little girls were from our ward, but Arita is from Rylee's Joy School class and Sky is my good friend Summer's little girl. Her and Rylee have known each other since they were tiny!
Aunt Vanessa was on Avery duty - She helped with her the whole party and Avery was loving it. She is a full time job! The birthday girl eating her popcorn and loving the movie!
During the movie, we painted the girls' nails. So fun and girly!

Logan was there, too. He hated being the only boy, but he was pretty into the party and the movie. He had to go off to school at the end, but he had a good time, too.
The little party guests before cake and ice cream - We made them each a Tangled crown. These pictures are fuzzy, but I just love Avery inching closer and closer. She just jumped right in there - She thinks she is just as big as the big girls.
Party girls - Savanna, Eliza, Arita, Sky, Rylee, Allie, Madi and Kylie
Avery the little photo bomber.
Ready for cake!
Rylee ready to blow out her candle. I think she is getting a little bit tired....
Blowing out the candle
Tangled cupcakes
Avery loved her cupcake!
The birthday girl mostly just likes frosting...
Our cute Party girl after the party. It was so much fun! Rylee was some cute little friends and they were all so much fun to have. We sent the girls home with their own nail polish and a little Tangled hair tie - I should have taken a picture. They turned out pretty cute. And some candy and their Tangled cup. What a fun day for our little Princess!
Princess Rylee and Daddy
Princess Rylee and Mommy
After the party, Rylee couldn't wait to play with her toys and wanted to watch Tangled again. I am pretty sure that we watched the movie and listened to the soundtrack NON-stop for the next few days. Logan would come down and turn the soundtrack on first thing in the morning every day. He loved it as much as Ry. They would dance all over and sing - So much fun! I love how Ry is always arranging everything and lining things up...

It only took me 2 months to get that posted! Yikes! Now, its almost time for another birthday party. Logan wants a Star Wars Party.... and requested that Yoda or Darth Vader be there! Not sure I can pull that off....

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