Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My New Toy

Apr 9 - As soon as my new camera was all charged up and ready to go, I couldn't wait to try it out! I didn't really know what I was doing (and still don't...) but I love it! The pictures come out SO much better! There is much more definition and the lighting is better and I can see their expressions so much more clearly! And I can actually capture things because it is SO much faster... Here are a few of my MANY while I experimented... And the battery charged overnight and I couldn't wait to take pictures for everyone to be dressed, so it is a photo shoot in PJs!
Avery just eating some cereal
She loves to CHEESE!
Daddy and Ry
Our Rylee loves any excuse to pose! I don't even have to ask her - She just starts striking poses!
Logan is a little different....THIS is what I get when I ask him to take some pictures. He only agreed because I said he could hold his lightsaber.
He was much happier when he didn't know I was taking his picture.
Rylee pulling yet another face...
Rylee wanted one of her and her baby doll
He agreed t more pictures if he could do some Jedi moves...
A smile from Logan!
My favorite part of the new camera is how much better it takes close-ups of the kids.
Avery taking a little snooze on our ride in the car.

The one bad thing I have found with the new camera is I feel pressure to take REALLY good pictures with it, but I don't really know how to use all the features. I am learning a little at a time, but I don't feel very confident yet. I don't feel like I grab it and take pictures of the little things as much, because I feel like it has be more more of an event, and more perfect. I am trying to get over that... I don't want to miss the little things!!!

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