Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spring Break

It is now summer vacation, but here are a few things we did for our Spring Break back in April.

April 4 - Some good friends called and asked if we would want to go take some pics at the temple with them after being inspired by President Monson's talk about temples in Conference. We were running a little slow that morning, but we hurried and got ready in time to make it work. It was a bit of a cold day, but it is always good to be at the temple. My friend took these and edited them for me - She is amazing with her camera! I love them...even if they look a little cold! Thanks!!!
Princess Rylee
Logan Bogan

Miss Avery
This is the one I took.... Pretty sad after hers. This was before my new camera. I'm getting better with the new camera but still not anything like hers. I need some more practice. (Thanks Stephanie!)
After the temple, we headed to the park. We thought we might only be able to stay for a little bit because we were all FREEZING, but the kids were having so much fun and it warmed up a little so we stayed for an hour or so. It was a new park and we loved it! They loved playing with friends and swinging and playing tag and running all over the park!

The tire swing is always a favorite!
I love the smiles when they swing!
Logan peeking over the side of the pirate ship - This is the only picture I got of him at the park. He and his buddy, Carter, were running everywhere and I couldn't get him to stop or slow down to be bothered with a picture!
Avery's favorite was this little zebra and a whale ride-on that they had. She sat on there and rocked forever!
Ry's turn
This little Miss is busy! She loves to climb and can keep up with the big kids, or at least she thinks she can. She loves being outside!
We also had well-check appointments for the girls. Rylee is now FOUR and so she got her Kindergarten shots. It was a little early - She is just going to preschool, but they recommend it if they are going to a school and so they will already have them done when school registration starts. She wasn't too happy about having them done, but it is something nice to have over with. Miss Avery had her 18 month well check and she had to get shots, too. It wasn't the best trip to the Dr....2 babies with shots = no fun for Mom for a day or two!
My girls are pretty tough when it comes to shots. At least if there is a sucker involved! When Logan gets shots, he is heartbroken and cries for a long time afterward. When the girls get shots, they cry until the nurse hands them a sucker and then they are good to go! They love their suckers!
Poor Avery all crashed out on the way home from the Dr with her messy sticker face!
We had a couple other little play dates here and there and mostly just hung out during our break. On Thursday (April 7) we hit the bowling lanes! We were lucky enough to have Uncle Jeff come and stay with us for Spring Break. I have 3 brothers still at home and one has year-round school so he wasn't off for Spring Break and then other one got invited to Disneyland with a friend. So instead of hanging out at home, Jeff came and stayed at our house. If you can't go to Disneyland, I guess our house is a close second for Spring Break... well, maybe not... but the kids were thrilled! We did do a few fun things while he was here, but he was a good sport to just hang out and even babysat. We love our Jeffy!
Love this face and hands. This baby is so expressive and funny these days. She was into everything at the bowling alley!
Ry after a good roll. I love watching them SO excited!
Check out that form...
Celebration dances for a strike.... First Rylee jumping up and down!
Then Logan... I know the picture is SO blurry but I just LOVE that face! Our Logan is SO competitive and he didn't like that he might lose to his little sister!
Ry directing her ball with Daddy.

Yeah...Another fun outing to the bowling alley. Our kids just love bowling! We don't go nearly enough for them. Shortly after our bowling outing is when Darren surprised me by whisking me away on a fun getaway for my 30th birthday. So, the kids spent some time with Grandma Pat for their Spring Break, which they loved! She even braved the new Chuck-A-Rama with them since Logan begged her! How she managed by herself with 3 little ones and dishing up all the food, I'm not sure, but they were thrilled! Logan is still talking about WHEN he can go back. He might have to wait for Grandma to take him again because it is NOT my favorite place.

The end of the week we did our traditional trip to Baby Animal Days. Only this year it was in the SNOW! Crazy!!! That has a separate post because I took TONS of pictures with my new camera! Yeah for Spring Break!!! Although can you REALLY call it Spring Break when it SNOWS???

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I love the temple pics!