Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Nudist

So.... I think we have a nudist situation on our hands. The last 2 mornings when I have gone in to get Avery out of her crib, she has been COMPLETELY naked! The first morning it wasn't too bad because she had just taken off her PJs and her diaper right before I came in. This morning when I went in, all of her sheets, stuffed animals and pillow pet were all covered in pee! I found her diaper thrown over by the closet - totally dry! Which means, she probably slept all night in the buff! And peed in her crib a lot!
When I went in to get her this morning, I called Darren in to witness the nakedness and he told her "No, NO" and you should have seen her poor little face. I think it broke her heart to be in trouble and her little lip stuck out so far! It was a little sad! I was about to get my camera to take a picture, but then that happened and I couldn't leave her.
So...If you have any suggestions on how to keep clothes ON at night, please let me know. Apparently, we need them!!!

In other fun Avery news, she is talking a LOT these days. It seems like it has doubled or tripled her vocabulary in the last week or so and we can understand her so much more. Some of her new favorite words to say are apple, yellow, purple, Abby (abby cadabby). The colors are my favorite. She does the sign for them, too. I thought she was just saying the words, but the other night when I was getting her out of the tub, I grabbed her brown hooded towel and she wouldn't get out. She kept saying "lello" (yellow) and then I realized she wanted the YELLOW towel on the back of the bathroom door! Smart little stinker! I also got out some fruit snacks the other day and she got very mad! I was confused because she had been saying "nack" over and over so I let her choose from the canister of them. She put back the red ones I got her and pulled out the blue package and said "blue". I was in shock! Some of my favorite words she says are ones with a ck - the way she says them is so funny! She really enunciates and it is hard for her to get out. Like duck and backpack. And tonight she was saying popcorn and making Daddy and I laugh!

I was reading Avery a book last night and it is a little peek-a-boo book that asks a question on every page. Every time I read the question, like "Who is hiding in the bush?" She would raise her hand and say excitedly, "Me, ME!!!" It was so funny! I Love that baby! She is getting some SERIOUS personality these days!


bladenfamily said...

Maybe you could put a onesie under her jammies. It might be harder to get off. it would make for far less funny stories though...

Wehrle said...

DUCT TAPE the diaper... I had to do it with both of my older girl for all naps and bedtime because they would take them off and I got sick of cleaning up poo...yes poo on walls and everywhere else!!