Thursday, June 30, 2011

Coloring Eggs

April 22 - I realize it is almost the 4th of July and I am still working on posting pictures from Easter.... I am slow on everything! What can I say?

We love holidays at our house and the kids were SO excited to get to color Easter eggs. They love any kind of project. We bought tons of coloring stuff and it was so funny to watch how each kid got into it. Logan just wanted to get as many eggs into as many colors as fast as he could and be done. Rylee spent most of her time painting just one egg. Avery tried a little of both methods, but mostly did a good job cracking eggs! I think about 4 or 5 fell victim to her. We had a great time! The set came with all kinds of glitter and beads that I thought the kids would be excited about, but mommy and daddy ended up trying that stuff. The kids weren't too into it. And if you are wondering, I make them wear Daddy's old shirts to color eggs so we don't ruin clothes. We don't usually wear giant tshirts all around the house...
This girl LOVES the camera! As soon as it comes out, she is right in my face and wanting her picture taken. How can you resist this cute face?
Ready to do some eggs!
I think Logan is excited!!!
I love these faces!

Rylee hard at work - She painted each egg with a little brush. She liked that better than dunking them in the colors.
Avery talking on Daddy's phone. She LOVES phones and picks them up and says "ello? ello?" over and over and sometimes she says "k" and then "bye"

This was my favorite part of coloring eggs... Rylee was working on her masterpiece and got a little paint on her finger and without thinking, she licked it off... I don't think it tasted good by the look on her face. LOVE it!

She is SO proud of her egg!
Avery tried to do a little painting too.
Lots of colors!
I love how concentrated she is!
And the finished product! We ended up with several less than we started with. I think next year, we will have to do a few more. I love the many faces and personality you can see in these pictures! These kids are so funny!!!

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