Thursday, April 21, 2011


On Saturday, I took Rylee to this cute Princess Party fundraiser. She loved it and I will do a full post with lots of pictures at some point.... Anyway, while she was sitting and listening to stories by the fairy Godmother, a photographer from the local paper came up and took her picture and then got her name and stuff. I was so excited for her to be in the paper. So, on Sunday morning I ran out to get it. Nothing.... Then, on Monday...nothing... so I decided they must have decided not to print it. Tuesday, I saw this on the local front page...
How fun is that??? It is Rylee and her friend Savanna. Rylee was SO excited to see herself in the paper. Logan, however, had some severe jealousy and wanted to know how come he had never been in the paper and how he could get into the paper. He kept asking who I called and could I please call them again and get a picture of him in? He was pretty upset most of the morning... Rylee loved it though! She looked at it over and over! Avery loved it too. She LOVES Rylee's little friend, Savanna, so everytime we walked past it sitting on the counter she would say, "Vana, Vana. Ry, Ry."

1 comment:

Emily said...

fun for Riley and Savana! My boys were in the paper once cuz we did a tour at Aggie ice cream- just hit all the local events and maybe Logan will get his turn! :) I feel like I haven't seen you in awhile- lets get together early next week and make a plan for our big get away ok?! BTW- when do you blog? you post all the time and I am so jealous because I just cannot get to it! good job! I love to read about you and your cute little family!