Monday, June 20, 2011

Accidents in the Outfield and Boogies

Just a few funny things...

Tuesday, at Logan's tball game, he was playing in the outfield. He hates the outfield! I am the coach and he kept complaining to me about how bored he was and asking how many more minutes the game was. I went over to help another player and a few minutes later he came up to me and announced he had peed his pants! WHAT??? He hasn't peed his pants in forever! And he didn't even seem bothered by it. Luckily, his Dad came to the rescue and ran him home for a quick change and he made it back for the next inning. There are lots of laughs to be had at Tball! Darren made him strip down to ride home so he didn't contaminate the car. The struck some manly pose in the back seat and said, "Check out this phenomenon!"

The other day we were going to run a few errands and when I got into the car Rylee was giggling. I asked what she was doing and she said, "I'm painting my teeth with my boogies."

Avery's new favorite word is "K". She says it all day long. If you tell her something or she gets into trouble and gets a little lecture, she will say "K" when you are done. The way she says it is so cute! Rylee was choking on some water at lunch and Avery went over and patted her on the pack and tilted her little head to the side and said, "K???" like "Are you OK?" It was so sweet! I love when they get along!

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