Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lookin' Spiffy

April 23 - Easter wouldn't be complete without new Easter outfits! And...of course, more pictures to make mom happy! Here is our little photo shoot Easter morning in our cute new outfits. I usually get the girls something a little more fancy for Easter, but they had too many dresses this year, so I kept it more simple. And poor Rylee's dress is her birthday dress and her Easter dress. She might be getting a little ripped off....I am liking yellow this year.
It is so hard to get a good picture of all 3 kids! I really need to get some Photoshop skills so I can switch heads around. I love Avery's hand up - I'm sure Darren is probably bribing her with candy or something if she will smile and get pictures done and over. And my Log...He is always closing his eyes!
My Ry loves pictures almost as much as me! I love this girl! She will pose and work it for the camera without me even asking. She is starting to look so grown up.

Log Bog hates his picture taken, but he was a good sport. He got a tie this year, which is kind of boring, but he has SO many sweater vests, so we had to do something different and there aren't a lot of options for boys. (He actually got 2 ties, but he can only wear one at a time...) I love it though! He looks like such a little man!

Miss Avery is hard to get pictures of these days. She is all over the place! She is a busy girl and is into everything. She loves the camera sometimes, but not all of the time.
I love this funny thing she does with her hands. It is like her "I don't know" pose. She cracks me up.

How cute is she? She is looking like a big girl! She is supposed to be my baby! We did have a slight shoe crisis for Easter Sunday. I bought the girls these cute silver sandals and they wore them to Grandma's house the day before. Somehow one of Avery's baby shoes ended up in her cousin's car and they didn't know it was there until the next day. We searched for it everywhere and I even made Darren stop at a couple stores on the way home to try and replace it, but I couldn't find anything. She ended up wearing some of Rylee's old sandals and we got the shoe back a few days later. That kind of stuff stresses me out!

We had a great Easter Sunday! The kids watched a new movie about the Resurrection that morning (we started getting Living Scripture movies and they love them!) and then went to Grandma and Grandpa Boman's house for a yummy Easter dinner that night. We loved spending time with family and we had Rylee's Potty Party, too. Logan gave a talk in church about the Resurrection and did a great job. He talked about Great-Grandpa. At first, he said he didn't want to because it made him sad, but he changed his mind and did a really good job and read his talk all on his own.

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