I took Rylee to her 4 year well-check one week after her birthday on April 4 and I told the Dr we were having trouble getting her to use the potty. He told me it needed to be her decision and gave me a few things to try. Then, he talked to Rylee and said, "You are 4 now. You need to go potty in the toilet." That was ALL she needed. I guess she needed someone besides Mom to tell her that. I have been trying for a year! The next morning, she wanted to wear panties and she did great about telling me when she needed to go and everything. Rylee is our VERY independent child and she does things on her own terms. Something clicked when the Dr told her that and she did great! I wish he would have told her that when she was THREE! It would have saved a year of frustration for all of us!
The problem with potty training for SO long was that during that time, we promised Rylee a LOT of things and at the end of it all, she seemed to call us on all of it! By that point, I didn't even care if she was going to the potty. She got a BIG girl bed in her room, which I still need to add a picture of, and cute new bedding. (which she would have gotten anyway, but it seemed like a good bribe...) She loved that! A week or so after she was in panties, she told me she needed a potty party like Logan had. I wasn't really planning on doing that, but we were going to my family's for Easter dinner anyway, so we kind of combined the celebrations and I made her the special "potty" cake just like Logan's.
The good part about taking so LONG to be potty trained is that once Rylee got it, she GOT it and she has done great! She hasn't had very many accidents, although now that it is summer and we are playing outside a lot, there have been a few more. And, she is sleeping through the night without a pull-up!
There was one funny potty story - About a week after she was potty trained, we went to my parent's house for a dinner for my birthday. My parents had some friends over who had a little girl Rylee's age and they were laying under the coffee table playing together while everyone looked at my brother's lizard. They were getting along really well and playing so cute. Then, Rylee yelled out from under the table, "Daddy! I'm Peeing my pants!" And... she was!
The first few months of being potty trained are hard - always making sure we can make the mad dash to the potty wherever we happen to be! The other day, we were 5 minutes in the car on the way to visit my family, and she HAD to go! It was Sunday and there was no where to stop but the 24 hour Mexican restaurant. Gross! Now we just have to deal with all of the screams of "Wipe Me!" when she goes and trying to get Avery NOT to wipe her!
But, we are doing great and we are SO happy Rylee has finally hit this milestone! Way to go Princess!!!
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