Monday, June 6, 2011


Here are a few random happenings from the month of March...
Mar 2 - Miss Avery discovered a new favorite food - RAVIOLI!!! She is loving it!!!
March 4 - Logan had his Special Me day at school! He was so excited for this day and looked forward to it all year and couldn't wait for his turn. It was a fun day for our whole family...even if it did stress Mom out a little bit!
Logan and his cute Kindergarten teacher. We love her!!!
Mar 6 - Avery had the first set of stitches of any of our kids. Actually it was just one stitch in the corner of her mouth. She had a little encounter with Logan on a scooter at some friend's house. She survived her stitches much better than mom! All it took was a sucker and she was fine!
Mar 12 - The stitch is out! Daddy took it out at home. It looked pretty good, but I think it will leave a little scar. She was always tugging at the stitch, so it was nice to get it out!
Mar 12 - We went to my Grandma's to celebrate her 78th birthday! She loved having all the family there so I was glad that we made the trip down. My dad thought it would be fun to introduce Logan to his old tree house! A little scary for Mom!!!
Logan was loving climbing the trees with Uncle Kyle.
The kids with Great-Grandma Mary! Another fun birthday - We love her!!!
Mar 17 - Yeah for March Madness!!! We love it at our house - especially when we get to watch the Aggies play. Unfortunately, it didn't go well for them again this year. They lost to Kansas State in the first round. Logan was so bummed! We had him fill out his VERY first bracket for our bracket pool and he picked the Aggies to win it all - which meant he finished in last place. Rylee begged to fill one out, too and she picked Butler and Georgia in the championship game, so she ended up finishing in 2nd place out of about 30 people! It is a pretty big deal at our house to fill out the brackets so she was So excited to do so well and Logan was not very happy to be beat by his little sister. And Mom beat Dad again in the brackets so it was a good year!
Mar 21 - Rylee in one of her funny dressup ensembles - I think she has on 3 different princess dresses and some of them are backwards. She is always coming up with some crazy combinations! I love it!
The view from behind...
Mar 23 - Some friends invited us to go ice skating with them. I have always been afraid to try this with all the kids, but since Darren had the morning off and could go and she said we could take the stroller right out on the ice, we decided to brave it and the kids had a blast!

The kids really liked using these walker things and could do pretty well all on their own. I don't think Rylee fell more than 2 or 3 times. She loved it!
Logan probably should have been wearing a helmet! He was a little crazy! He was going really fast and then he would have the worst falls! He wouldn't just fall on his bum - he would flip around and crash so hard and hit his head a few times. It didn't seem to stop him though - He would always get right back out there.
Rylee cruising on her own
Avery was in heaven! She loved being pushed around on the ice in her stroller. Especially when Daddy would push her really fast! Her little legs were bouncing up and down to the music so cute. I love how chill she looks just sitting back in her stroller.
By the end of our time skating, Logan could make it all the way around with no falls! He was really getting the hang of it and had so much fun!
Mar 23 - Rylee's little friend Gracie was coming to play and she ran upstairs to change into her Queen Amadala costume before she came over. When she came down, I couldn't stop laughing! I have no idea how this is Queen Amadala, but I love it! Rylee's fashion ensembles are frequently the highlight of my day!
Mar 24 - Ry drew this picture of herself for her Joy School book about herself and I love it! She loves to draw and color and is a good little artist and always puts a lot of funny details - like the eyelashes on herself and the flower in her hair.
Mar 25 - One day we drove by the Fun Park by our house and Logan saw that the Star Wars characters were coming there for a fundraiser. He kept asking every day if it was THE day that they were coming and when we could go and see them. He was SO excited when he could finally go and even more excited when his friend, Morgan came along. We got there before the event started and he and Morgan were going crazy each time someone new came out in costume! And then they actually got to hold a REAL lightsaber!!! To a five year old boy obsessed with Star Wars, that is about as good as it gets!
Mar 27 - Our little baby turned 18 months old and started going to nursery! Of course, she didn't really STAY in nursery, but we are trying and hopefully she will someday!
Mar 29 - Our little Princess Rylee turned FOUR!!!
Mar 30 - And SOCCER season started! This is Logan all dressed and ready for his first special training session that we registered him for. Notice all the layers - We spent most of soccer season FREEZING!!! There is lots more soccer to come in April and May...

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