Friday, August 1, 2008

This may take awhile...

So today I started working on posts from our vacation. I want to do a pretty complete journal of it for myself and my family, so I am sure it is more than most of you want to see and read - Just a disclaimer!!! Anyway, I think they are going to post in a kind of weird order - they are going to post in the order they happened, so newer posts will actually be under posts that may have been there for awhile. Just thought I'd let everyone know... Kind of confusing! I have done a few, but only posted one so far because I didn't do them in order, so I will be posting them as I get them done. They are taking longer than I thought, but maybe they will all be up by the end of the week! Just a little info!


Clark Family said...

Your "FEED" is kinda fun to see where people are coming from!!

Alexis said...

Hey! It looks like you guys have been super busy (in a good way) lately. Your trip looks like so much fun. I've always wanted to go to Orlando. Also, Darren's new calling is exciting/crazy. Good luck with that. I'm sure it will be great. By the way, I think they are officially trying to make us the new Webbers down here in Vegas. I just got called as the Assistant to the Relief Society Presidency. Not quite the secretary, I know, but I have my aspirations. :)

Jenn said...

You are an awesome blogger/journal keeper! It looks like you guys had so much fun. Your kids are so cute!!

Robbs said...

It looks like it was another great vacation. Your girl is soo cute! I love her eyes!