Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brought to you in part by Target...

Lately I have been noticing a few indicators that we spent WAY too much time watching the Olympics! I really enjoyed the Closing Ceremonies on Sunday, but almost shed a few tears realizing that the Olympics were really over. However, I think it is for the best as I have hardly been able to pull myself away from the TV over the past 2 1/2 weeks! One of my indicators of too much Olympics was my extreme fatigue! I stayed up until at least 12:30 almost every single night waiting for final results. They always wait for the big stuff until last - It is almost cruel! A few years ago, staying up this late would have been no problem, but I am getting old and staying up that late night after night started to wear on me! Second indicator - my house! It became quite a mess and I definitely neglected my house work and other things during the past 2 weeks, including my work (I am doing Darren's books).

However, the most disturbing signs of Olympic overload are my kiddies! I probably neglected some of their bedtime routines and other things during the past 2 weeks as I have been caught up in the games. Logan really got into the Olympics though! He loved cheering for the USA and has learned a lot about different sports that he never even knew existed 2 weeks ago (ie water polo, volleyball, gymnastics, diving and track and field). He loved watching "Bron Bron" (LeBron James) and the USA basketball team, too. He really got the Olympic spirit and has been demonstrating it around our house - doing dives off of our furniture, doing headstands and gymnastics on the couch, playing basketball in his room while chanting USA, and several other interesting stunts. He even was racing up the stairs the other day and had to first "get in the blocks" while I said "Ready, Set, Go". I was pretty impressed! He also has a new favorite athlete in Michael Phelps - Every time he sees him on TV, he gets really excited and says "Michael Phelps!!! He is the best swimmer in the world." Rylee also loved the Olympics - she loves to cheer and will pump her little fist and say "Go, Go, Go!!!" She also learned a few things! My favorite sport to watch is gymnastics (Yeah Shawn and Nastia!!!) and I don't think we missed much of that coverage. It must have rubbed off on Rylee because if I tell her to "do gymnastics", she reaches down and pulls her toes up until they touch her forehead! Hilarious! She also tried to demonstrate this on Darren and was pulling on his feet, trying to stretch them up to his head, saying "Nastic"! Too bad she wasn't successful! I would pay good money to see that feat!

I realized with all the Olympic excitement that I had probably had a little too much TV in our house, but I didn't think much of it...until yesterday! We were all up playing in Logan's room and he was playing with his cars. He got into his "announcer" voice, which he frequently does when his cars are racing. He usually says things from the Cars movie about Lightning or The King, but this time it was different. He said, "The Games of the 29th Olympiad on NBC, brought to you in part by Target." I am serious! He said that whole sentence - I am pretty sure that is a word for word quote from the Olympic promos! Yep.... I am pretty sure that we had too much Olympics! What do you think?

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Ha ha! Doesn't surprise me, he picks up on EVERYTHING!!