Thursday, July 31, 2008

Celebrating the Pioneers!

We had a really busy and fun Pioneer Day. It was great to be back in Utah to celebrate with our families. We have kind of missed out on Pioneer Day in Las Vegas. Every year since I can remember, my Grandma gets up very early to save us all seats at the Ogden Parade. We were planning to go down there, but we were invited by the Lifferth's to go to the North Logan parade and decided that might be a better option. The Ogden parade is SOOOO long, so we decided to try this one and it was really fun! It was only about a half hour long which was good for the kids and they threw a TON of candy! My kids thought that was great! They had some pretty nice floats for a little town parade and lots of "Princesses" from each town's royalty that Rylee and Olivia loved waving too! I think it was the first non-Disney parade our kids have been to, so it might have been a bit of a let down after those parades, but they did love all the candy!!! Here are some pictures from our parade experience!

Rylee, Logan and Olivia watching the parade from Robb's Longboard. I thought they looked so cute! Robb took Logan for a ride on the Longboard and he loved it!

Rylee and Logan

Rylee and Olivia

Rylee with her candy!
My kids were so funny about the candy! It took Logan awhile to catch on what was going on and why people kept chucking things at us, but once he figured out it was candy he did a good job gathering it up and putting it in his little bag! Rylee was hilarious!!! She was such a little scavenger - As soon as they threw the candy, she was running around trying to pick up every piece. If she saw a piece, she went after it... even if it was really far away! She would have 4 or 5 pieces of candy in her hands and try to pick up more and have to rearrange all the candy to get more. Darren and I would try and hold her candy for her, but she wasn't giving it up!!! She watched the parade with her hands full of candy for most of the time. It was really funny to watch!Rylee showing off a piece of her candy and Logan watching the parade.Rylee and Logan - Rylee is now eating her candy! She couldn't wait for me to unwrap it and was eating it straight through the wrapper - GROSS! She ate a Tootsie Roll by biting it in half, wrapper and all! She is not the most patient little girl.MMMMM... CANDY!!!Logan and his bag full of candy!Some of Rylee's half-eaten candy - GROSS!

After the parade, we went to my Grandma Boman's house for lunch. She has done this every year since I can remember! Most of my cousins were there and we had fun hanging out with everyone. The kids loved my Grandma's big backyard and running around with everyone. The fam with my GrandmaLogan playing Duck Hunt on my Grandma's Old School Nintendo! He LOVED this game and had so much fun, even though I don't know if he ever shot anything! After awhile, my cousins started playing Mario and Logan just kept "shooting" even though he wasn't really playing. He had a great time!Rylee and Grandma (My mom)Logan and Great-Grandma BomanMy Cheesy Rylee!!! For some reason, she thinks she needs to tilt her head like this before she can say Cheese!
After spending the afternoon at my Grandma's, we rushed home and changed and headed over to the Stake Center. Darren's parents came up and Darren's Dad set him apart as a High Priest since they were going to be out of town on Sunday when Darren was called. It was nice to have family close enough to do this!
Fam Picture
Me and D after he was set apart
Rylee, Grandpa Webber (Darren's Dad) and Darren

After Darren was set apart, we went to dinner at this yummy Italian place called Callaway's. It was so good! Our plan was to go to the fireworks afterwards, but we were so tired from our long day! My little brother, Kyle, came home with us for a couple days, so we decided to just stay home and light a couple sparklers we had left over from the 4th. Logan and Kyle really liked doing that! We thought we might be able to see the fireworks from our house, but we couldn't, so we ended up going to bed! It was a really long and fun day!


Erica said...

High priest?! Darren you are totally an old man now. You need to practice sleeping in church now! Love the pics of pioneer day. Stinking Iowans don't celebrate Pioneer Day. Wished we were in Utah

Melissa said...

Looks you guys are staying busy!! I love Pioneer Day too! When we lived it California I was bummed we didn't get to celebrate it! Congrats on Darren's new calling. Have fun in church with 2 kids. Ryker is enough for me to handle. I can't imagine wrestling 2 little ones. I'm sure you can do it though! Call me, we need to get together again before I go back to work.

Clark Family said...

What cuties!! How was church today??? And I'm still sick!! I'm so tired so it!