Sunday, August 17, 2008


I guess my potty training excitement was a little too early! After going potty 4 times in one day, I think Logan has now only been once in 4 days! I guess this is the curse of posting his progress on my blog! In all fairness, it has been a couple of very busy days and now we are all sick, but he is back to not showing any interest in the whole potty thing. Back to Square one, I guess!


Clark Family said...

Darn on the potty will come. Your new look is HOT!! I like it! And Jay and I had a great anniversary. Thank you.

Wehrle said...

Potty training is not fun! It will happen though! At least he has done it a few times, that is a good sign! We missyou guys.. I need my break from vegas friend!! It looks like you guys are doing good!

Erica said...

I am so sorry! Seriously don't ask me about potty training. I don't think that i've ever disliked anything more in my life. NO KIDDING. Hunter is 4 years old and still not fully potty trained. No love for that. I'm so sorry, good luck.