Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 2: Hanging At The Hotel

Sunday was our only day to relax and recover from our jet lag! We were able to sleep in a little and then went to church. It took us quite awhile to get there and felt like we were driving in a huge circle, but we finally made it. The ward was pretty interesting and I think that there were as many visitors as there were members of the ward! We all wanted to skip out after Sacrament Meeting, but were told by my Dad that we were staying for the full 3 hours. My dad always makes us go to the full 3 hours on vacation, no matter how much we complain. We pointed out that we voted 12-1 to go home, but he pointed out that his vote counted more so we stayed. (One of my favorite vacation memories was actually when we went to the Hill Cumorah Pageant when I was in College and we all begged to only go to Sacrament Meeting, but my dad said that we had to stay, only to find out when we got there that because there were so many visitors, they were only having Sacrament and we were ALL SO excited!!! ) Anyway - A lot of the other visitors stayed too, so I guess my dad isn't the only one who goes to all 3 hours on vacation!
We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at the hotel. Rylee loved jumping on the bed and terrorizing her uncles! They were trying to take naps, but she wouldn't leave them alone. She really warmed up to them on the trip and loved all their teasing and playing. She loved having them chase her around and she would scream and jump off of all the furniture.
We also celebrated Dean's birthday since it was on Tuesday and we were going to be gone late every night. My mom made him a SpongeBob Squarepants cake. It seems we always end up on vacation for Dean's birthday so we tried to at least do something to celebrate and make it special. This was his first cake of many during the cake as you will see from my posts. Everywhere we went, we ended up getting a birthday dessert for him everywhere we went!
Darren and I also made a quick run to WalMart to get strollers for the kids. (Not approved by my dad....)When we were at Disney the night before, we noticed stroller rentals were $31 a day!!! That would have been at least $150 for the trip! We didn't take our stroller because I have had friends whose strollers have been broken on the flight, and I didn't want anything to happen to it. We wanted to try and find a jogging stroller or something nice, but ended up just getting 2 cheap $20 ones. It saved us a ton of money! They worked fine for the week - We had planned to sell them at the end of the trip, but we ended up just giving them to my sister. It worked out really well and was nice to have strollers to get from the car to the park and stuff and was nice to have 2 when we separated.
We tried to get to bed early and get ready for our big day, but it was hard to get the kids to settle down! We were all really excited!!! Especially me!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

How'd you get this post to come after your other one?? Impressive.