Sunday, August 24, 2008

A little Bit Country...

The first weekend of August was the Cache County Fair and Rodeo. Now that we are Cache Valley residents, we figured it was an event not to be missed so we took the kids to check it out. We had a great time! The kids loved it! First we walked around some of the vendor booths and I found Rylee a really cute bow! Then we walked through the buildings and saw all the fair entries. There is some odd stuff that you can enter at the fair - They had a bunch of things built from Legos, scrapbooking and other crafts and canned fruit. I think that bigger is better in most cases at the fair. We saw some HUGE vegetables and animals! I had no idea that Bunnies could be SO big! We saw a zucchini that was about the same height as Logan and this head of lettuce that was bigger than most human heads!
Next we walked through the animal exhibits. They had rabbits, cows, pigs, sheep, pigeons, chickens and my favorite, goats! They had the cutest little pygmy goats that I thought would make a fun little pet! Maybe someday when we have a yard! Logan for some reason thought the chickens and roosters were the funniest thing ever! He was cracking up over them! I love it when Logan gets laughing - He is so funny.Both Logan and Rylee really liked all the animals, but didn't want to get TOO close. One sheep jumped up on the rail to get a closer look at Logan and he did NOT really like that! We also watched some kids show their cows - It was something I had never seen before and a little odd to me! Definitely a totally different world than I experienced growing up. Some of the kids were really little and leading around these HUGE cows! There was some girl commenting on each cow - whether they were too fat, too bony, bad bone structure. It was pretty rough! I hope cows don't develop eating disorders - That could drive them to it!
After all the animal watching we grabbed a little snack. We had some frozen lemonade and fresh corn! Yum! They did have deep fried Twinkies, but we took the healthy road. Rylee loves anything related to food and chowed down on the corn. She loved it!
There were lots of other fun things that we didn't have time for. Lots of kiddie rides, but we figured Disneyworld had given them enough rides for awhile. They also had pony rides, but Darren didn't think Logan would do it. Later I found out that Darren has never been on a horse! If I would have known that before, I would have paid for him to have a pony ride!
We were really excited to take the kids to their first rodeo, but it looked like it might rain! There were big dark clouds, but when it was rodeo time, it looked like it would probably miss us, so we decided to give it a shot. Right before we went in, we saw this beautiful rainbow! The picture does not do it justice! The weather was fine when we purchased our rodeo tickets and the rain looked like it would pass us by, so we decided to go ahead and buy the tickets and got the cheaper ones since they were general admission and then we didn't have to buy one for Logan. That was a BAD idea! It ended up pouring rain! If we would have paid $1 more, we could have had covered seats, which would have been priceless! Oh well, I guess it makes for good memories to tough it out in the rain. We got to see lots of events before the rain got too bad. Rylee's favorite was watching the parade of horses coming into the arena and waving to all the Princesses! The first event was totally crazy! It was called a poker bull fight and all the cowboys sat around a table playing cards. They let a bull out into the arena and the last cowboy at the table won. The bull would charge the table and throw chairs and the cowboys just sat there! It was a little scary. We also saw Bareback Bronco riding (our favorite), Calf Roping, Bucking Broncos, and Steer Wrestling. I think the rain was hard for some of the events - Not many ropers were successful. We still had a great time though and the kids loved cheering and clapping for all the cowboys! Logan was SO excited to see a real rodeo! He even wore his special Woody cowboy hat. He loved cheering on the cowboys and picked up a few funny phrases that he used after the rodeo. One of the ropers tangled the rope around the horses leg and the announcer said something about it being a "bad situation" and Logan just kept saying it over and over again! He also brought down one of my belts the other day and informed me that he was going to rope a calf! The rain wasn't too bad for the first little bit - Just a little rain on and off. We also had a blanket that was backed with denim, so we used it for cover and it kept us pretty dry.Then it started REALLY raining! The blanket soaked through and started dripping all over us! We were getting soaked, but we were more worried about trying to make it to the car without any cover, so we stayed for a bit hoping it would pass. We finally decided we had enough and made a run for the car. We took this picture right before we left - I think our faces say it all! Our kids didn't mind the rain at all! Logan loved drinking up the rain and Rylee didn't want much to do with being restricted and sitting under a blanket! We were a little bummed to miss the Muttin Bustin, but it was just too much rain! Running to the car was like Florida all over again (we wish we would have had those ponchos!) and we were drenched when we got to the car! We had a great time at the Fair!


Clark Family said...

I love the pictures!! Did you take one of the gaint bunny?

Jami said...

How fun. My kids loved the rodeo when we went this year too. I can't believe how much it rained. I love the hat!

Funky Farmers said...

Brooke- Your family is so darling. Your the cutest country bumpkin family ever! Looks like you had so much fun! I love your blog, its so fun to see what your up too. Darci

Erica said...

I love going to fairs! The only thing I don't love and you've got to agree is going in those sheds to look at the animals. Usually it's hot and muggy and I feel like dry heaving the entire time I walk through the animal stalls. I don't know what my problem is! But at least my kids love it. That's enough for me. Isn't the food at fairs the best though?!