Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 3: EPCOT

On Monday, we went to Epcot. In case you are wondering,(I'm sure you all are...) Epcot stands for Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow (these are the kind of things you learn when you read a 900 page book!!!) It is a little more focused on educational stuff but there were still a lot of fun things to do there. We did great about getting up and going in the morning and got there a little before they opened the gate at 8:30. This was one of the few days where there was no rain and it was pretty hot so we were grateful for our spray bottle fans! Rylee was having a great time with hers and was drenching herself - She would spray herself, make this funny face and then do it again! She thought it was pretty funny, even though she looked like she hated the spray in her face. Logan really liked Epcot Center because of the HUGE sphere in the middle, which he called "The Giant Golf Ball!" He was always referring to it, and I think someone told him that Tiger Woods lives there. Whenever we say anything about Epcot, even now, Logan immediately tells us that that is where the Giant Golf Ball is!

We went into the park and some of the characters came out to open the park, and Logan got so excited! Especially when he saw Goofy!!! Uncle Dean held him up so that he could get a better view. We had our plan for the first few rides all mapped out - My mom went to get FastPasses for Soarin and the rest of us went to ride Test Track. I had to wait with Rylee while everyone else rode. The height requirement was 40 inches and Logan is about 39 3/4 inches with his shoes, so I didn't think they would let him ride, but Darren decided to try and they let him on! He is still talking about the really cool Test Track ride and loved it! The picture they took of him on the ride was hilarious - He was sitting between Dean and Darren and gripping both of their hands really tight with a pretty terrified look on his face! That ride goes pretty fast!
After that, I rode Test Track with Darren. Logan made it very clear that he liked the ride, but did NOT want to ride again! Then we rode Mission:Space which is a Space Shuttle Simulator. We rode the less intense version and it was a little lame, but I was a little nervous about the "Spinning version" and my motion sickness! While we were on that ride, my mom had the kids outside and they were having a blast in these fountains. They got totally SOAKED!!! My brother took these funny videos of them. I love how Rylee claps for herself and then nods when they ask her if she is all wet - I always think her little nods are so funny! And I think Logan fighting the water is hilarious, probably because he is usually such a chicken!

Then we headed over to The Land Pavillion and rode some little ride that talked about farming and stuff. They had some cool Mickey shaped pumpkins growing that I thought were really neat and lots of other food growing I had never seen before. Then we rode Soarin. Once again, I didn't think they would let Logan on, but they did (he was on his tippy toes, but they didn't notice). I waited outside with Rylee while everyone else rode it and when they came out Logan wanted to do it again. We had a swap pass so I went with Logan and Darren again. He really loved it - It is a hang gliding simulator and Logan thought it was so cool to fly over stuff and always talks about that ride and "smelling the oranges"!

After Soarin, we went to The Sea pavilion where they had the Nemo ride. You ride in these little clams and Logan thought they were so funny and still talks about "The Clam Mobiles" we rode in! He thought that was pretty fun, but was a little nervous about Bruce the shark. At that pavilion, they also had some sea animal exhibits, like Dolphins and Sting Rays and Manatees and the Turtle Talk with Crush show. This show is so cool - It is animated but interactive, and Crush talks to the audience and answers questions and stuff. Logan laughed so hard at Crush! He likes saying "Pshaw" and "Dude" and "You SO totally ROCK!" just like Crush! Rylee really liked watching all the fish!
To save a little money, we packed sandwiches into the parks every day. We looked a little nerdy I'm sure, but I bet everyone watching us was jealous when they paid for their $10 lunch... Ha ha! By the end of the week, I think we all HATED peanut butter and jelly but it was nice to have quick and cheap lunches!

After lunch, we went to the Imagination Pavilion and rode the little ride with Figment and then played on some of the exhibits after. The thing about Epcot is that after every ride, there are educational and hands-on exhibits so it can take forever to get out of there - especially with Logan who loved it all! Rylee really liked all the musical things too. Then we went to do a couple little things and Spaceship Earth, which Logan really liked, mostly because it was inside "the giant golf ball"! This ride also had all sorts of things you can do after you get off the ride and Logan loved this funny shuffle board thing where you moved energy to different parts of a city. We also made some funny postcards of ourselves!

After that, we set out on a Princess mission! I have a really weird obsession with Disney Princesses, but mostly Belle. I'm not sure why, but I do! Before we left home, I programmed the phone number for the character hotline into my cell phone (also thanks to my 900 page book) so I could call and find out any characters location and schedule on any day. I found out that Belle would be in France at certain times, so while my family went to the 3D movie (my kids don't like those!) we went to find Belle and also found Sleeping Beauty - Double bonus! I was very disappointed that Rylee did NOT share my fascination with the Princesses and was a little weary of them and not cooperative with pictures. Logan, however, LOVED them and was quite the Ladies' Man! Belle even asked him for a hug, and he just gave her a kiss on the cheek! So funny! He was chatting away to both of them about the "Giant Golf Ball called Spaceship Earth" and we had to drag him away since there was a line behind us. Here are our Princess pictures!

After the Princesses, we met up with the family and did Ellen's Universe of Energy ride. Logan and Rylee were both a little unsure of the big dinosaurs but did pretty well. Then we went and played at Innoventions, which is kind of like a Children's Museum with lots of different hands-on things to do. My brothers loved this! I wish we would have had more time for them and Logan to play around - It was so great for them. While the boys were playing at Innoventions, I went and got them these 1st Time Buttons at Guest Relations (They give these free and have them for birthdays and weddings and stuff too.) Rylee was asleep and Darren was off playing with my brothers so they missed the 1st Timer Picture!I think Rylee would have had a great time too, but she fell asleep and took a nice nap while were there. I thought this picture was funny of her sleeping - She even poses for the camera in her sleep!Epcot is really big though and we still had a lot to see - I wish we could have had 1 1/2 or 2 days there! It took us most of the day to do the rides and stuff, and then there was still the World Showcase, which is pretty big. We headed there next, but didn't have too much time to do everything we wanted to do. We rode the boat rides in Mexico and Norway. Logan really liked these rides - the one in Mexico had Donald Duck and the 3 Caballeros and the Norway one was a Viking one and Logan really liked the Polar Bears. For some reason he frequently tells people that the Viking Ride was his favorite in all of Disneyworld. It really wasn't that impressive! We ate dinner in Germany - Hot dogs! It was a major stress to get dinner, so we finally just settled on something fast and easy. While we were eating, I looked over and Logan was seriously ASLEEP!!! He was totally out at the table - It was pretty funny! We were all cracking up at him - Poor kid was exhausted!!!After dinner, we just walked around the World Showcase. It is such a cool place that I wish we would have had a lot more time. There are really cool shops and performers and stuff. We were in a pretty big hurry though. This is one of my fav pics from the whole trip of my kids at the American pavilion.We saw the show at the American Adventure and my dad got some sushi in Japan (GROSS) and we walked around the gardens there. We pretty much cruised by the other countries (China, UK, Canada, Morocco) and went to France to watch Illuminations. It is a really cool firework and lights show over the lake in the middle of the World Showcase. It was really neat and the kids loved the lights and music and fireworks. They always love this kind of thing!

We had such a fun and LONG day! It was pretty hot too - I had to post these pictures of my brother Brad's sweet fro at the end of the day. He is very particular about his hair, so it was kind of funny to see him like this! I'm sure he will really appreciate me posting these!!! Here are the rest of the pics!


Jami said...

You look like you had so much fun. I wish we were there with you! We will have to take a trip there together someday!!

Clark Family said...

WOW! Your memory is amazing.