Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 5: Magic Kingdom

Wednesday, we spent the day at the Magic Kingdom. This was probably the most fun day for the kids since the Magic Kingdom is more like Disneyland and has mostly rides for little kids and is so magical! The kids loved everything! We were a little later this morning than most, but got to the park right about the time the park opened. To get the Magic Kingdom, you have to take either the Monorail or the Ferry. We took the Ferry and the kids really liked riding the boat over. It is fun to see the castle coming across the water, too - It is so pretty! I love the walk up Main Street to the castle - It just feels like it must be the Happiest Place on Earth!
Once we got there, we headed straight for Splash Mountain. The height requirement is 40 inches, which is what the rides that he rode earlier in the week were, so we planned on Logan being able to ride, but he wore different shoes and wasn't quite tall enough. The lady measuring was much more strict than the previous ones had been. It probably didn't help that Logan was yelling "I don't want to ride Splash Mountain!" and crying and wouldn't stand up straight. I think the lady thought she was saving him by not letting him ride and thinking I was a mean mom! I know he would have loved the ride if we could have got him on it, but I think he was perfectly content playing on the little playground with Rylee. Darren was nice enough to stay off with the kids so I could ride with the fam. It was fun, but when we first got on, another log came down the hill and splashed us and I got soaked! I was pretty upset because my hair was wet and looked SO lovely for the rest of the day!
After Splash Mountain, we went and rode Pirates of the Caribbean. I think this was the only ride that Rylee was a little weary about. She hated the loud noises and when the canon balls splashed in the water, she would jump so high! Logan found all this pirate gear in the gift shop after we got off the ride and loved dressing up like Jack Sparrow. I don't know why he knows who that is since he has not seen the movies, but he is always pretending he is Captain Jack!

Next, we rode the Jungle Cruise which is always fun! Rylee really liked seeing all the animals. For some reason, this ride always makes Logan a little nervous. He never wants to ride it, but he managed just fine. Then we went on the Haunted Mansion. We have never attempted to take Logan on this ride before, but we figured that with all his uncles going, he could do it. We told him that all the ghosts were just "Mickey Magic" and if he got scared to close his eyes, so I think that is what he did for most of the ride, but he made it without even crying! Rylee slept through the whole thing so we didn't have to worry about her!

After the Haunted Mansion, we headed to Fantasyland which was much happier for the kiddies! We were heading for Winnie the Pooh, but Logan spotted Dumbo and had to ride it, so we did that first. Logan was SO excited about this ride! He loved it! Rylee really liked the ride too, although it doesn't look like it from the picture! Next, we rode Winnie the Pooh and Snow White and then went to the Mickey's Philarmagic 3D show. That was really fun - My kids are usually a little wary of 3D shows, but they really liked this one, probably because it featured all their favorite Disney characters and had nothing scary! Then we stopped and took some pictures in front of the castle ( was actually the back of the castle). The kids were having so much fun walking around the castle and holding hands. It was the cutest! While we were standing there, a Disney employee came by and started talking with us. Logan noticed a plastic sword in his bag, and told him he would like one. The guy had a little "Magical Moments" ceremony for Logan and gave him a sword and certificate making him a Prince for the day! Logan thought that was pretty special! It started raining a little, but was just sprinkling. We put on our rain coats for a little bit, but didn't wear them for long. I loved that Rylee just sat down in her rain coat and said "Cheese" in front of the castle - So funny! It rained off and on most of the day, but never really rained very hard, except while we were at dinner, which worked out nicely!

Next, we rode the Tea Cups. The kids really loved the Tea Cups! Rylee was clapping the whole time and Logan loved spinning the wheel. After the tea cups, we headed for Toon Town. It is much smaller than Toon Town at Disneyland. The kids played for a few minutes, but it was raining, so we headed to meet Mickey Mouse - always a highlight! It was Mickey and Minnie and we got lots of fun pictures with them. Rylee didn't cry too much and LOVED blowing them kisses!

After ToonTown, we headed over to watch the parade. The kids really enjoyed it - Logan especially liked seeing Cruella DeVille and the characters from Peter Pan, and of course Mickey and all the classics. Rylee enjoyed it too and waved to everyone so cute!

Next, we rode Splash Mountain again and this time Darren came along while my mom watched the kids. We got a little wet, but not as bad as the first time, although we were prepared, wearing our ponchos. We looked a little nerdy, but I didn't want to be wet anymore than I had to! Then we went and saw the Country Bear Jamboree. They don't have that at Disneyland anymore, but the kids really liked it, although Logan was a little nervous about the HUGE talking animal heads on the wall at first. Once the bears were singing and dancing, we were all fine and Logan and Rylee were clapping along.

Then we went to dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern. It was a character dinner and was so much fun! Logan hardly ate anything because he was so excited about the characters all around. Rylee managed to get her fill though! They had Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Chip and Dale and they were dressed in clothes from the Revolutionary War period. The food was delicious, too! We all had a great time and Heather even had several pictures taken with the characters, which is huge for her! I have to say that she did really well - I think she only cried once the whole trip. Nothing like the fiasco at Goofy's Kitchen in Disneyland 5 years ago, with Max chasing her around and her bawling! We also managed to get Dean ANOTHER special birthday dessert!

After dinner, we went to the Tiki Room. Logan and Rylee were both dancing and clapping along and really had fun. Then we went and walked through the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. We tried to get Logan to ride Aladdin's Magic Carpets, but he wasn't interested! He was OBSESSED with going to ride the rockets, so we decided to head over there. On the way over to the rockets, we stopped and took a few more castle pics - this time from the front!

I think that the rockets were the longest line we waited in the whole trip! It took about 45 minutes and of course started raining again. Logan didn't mind though - He was so very excited and had been talking about riding the rockets all day. The rockets at the Magic Kingdom are a little different than the ones at the Disneyland. They are up on the 2nd level and you had to take an elevator to get up to the ride. Those spinning rides tend to make me sick, so me and Rylee just watched but Dad and Logan had a great time!

After the rockets, we rode Space Mountain. That is one of our very favorite rides! We love it! It is so much fun! Then we rode the little cars. Logan got a red one, so he thought it was Lightning McQueen and was SO happy about that! We noticed that Rylee had lost one of her shoes when we got in line, so my mom went back to find it and we were a little stressed about it, but she found it and she caught up with us right before we rode. Rylee was funny in the cars and was gripping the side. I don't think she liked how jerky they were.

After the cars, we rode Buzz Lightyear, another one of our favorites. Logan insisted on riding with Grandma. He loves this ride, but always gets so nervous before we get on. I don't know why - he really does like it. I think the GIANT Zurg makes him a little nervous! After the ride, we were walking around the little gift shop, and Logan used his charm once again! He told Jeff that he thought a Buzz Lightyear gun looked like fun and that he needed one, so Uncle Jeff bought it for him. They also had these funny Buzz hats. I just had to try it on Logan - I thought it was good for a laugh!

Next, we saw the Monster, Inc. comedy show, which was another interactive show that was HILARIOUS! We were all laughing so hard and Logan loved it! Then we went back and rode Space Mountain again (you gotta love the FastPasses!) and then watched the fireworks which were great. We also had FastPasses for Peter Pan, so we rode that again and then the boys went on Splash Mountain while the rest of us took the kiddies on It's A Small World. Logan and Rylee both really like this ride. Their eyes get so wide and they just seem to take it all in! Logan even started recognizing things from the times we went on it before and could tell us what was coming up. I know a lot of people think that Small World it is quite annoying, (namely my mom and sister...)but I think it is really cute and don't mind riding it. Its a Disney classic!
By this time, we were all completely exhausted from all our Disney touring! The kids were totally crashed out by the time we got back to the hotel! It was a good thing that we had a bit of a break the next day - Here is the slide show of our day at the Magic Kingdom:

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Yea for day 5!! And thanks for including the character story about me...:)