Sunday, August 31, 2008

Seven Peaks!

Last weekend we spent a day at Seven Peaks with the whole Webber clan - That includes 31 of us with nieces, and nephews and everyone, plus Cory's guest made 32, and one on the way! (not mine...Kim's!) We had a great time! The night before Darren and Logan went on a Father-Son camp out with the our ward. They had a great time! Logan loved camping and playing in the dirt. He is all boy! He loved roasting marshmallows and throwing rocks and did great sleeping in the tent. He was very excited to go in the tent and go to bed and kept asking Darren when it was time. (that is odd for Logan to want to go to bed!) We are hoping to make a family camping trip since he did so well! I sent the camera with Darren, but the only pics he took were him and Logan going to sleep - He probably realized that he didn't take any pictures and he would be in trouble if he had nothing to show for it, so he took a few.

Rylee and I had a fun night also - We went to dinner with our friends Summer and Sky, which was a little crazy with the two little girls, but fun! Thanks again Summer! Then we went down and spent the night at my parent's and did some shopping with my mom, which is always fun! That put our departure a little behind schedule, but we got to Seven Peaks a little after 11. Logan was SO excited to see all of his cousins and had a great time! We changed into our suits and had lunch. The hot dogs for the kids were HUGE! They were so long but the kids ate them all. They must have been starving! (You can see photos of the hot dogs in the slide show!) We finally got our tubes rented and life jackets and told the kids that we were heading to the Lazy River and Logan started crying! He REALLY didn't want to go! We drug him anyway, but he and Rylee both cried the whole time, so we ended up heading back to the cabana. (Darren's parents rent the family our own cabana and that makes the day much more pleasant!) The kids seemed to enjoy spending time there more than the water - They loved jumping on all the tubes and climbing in and out of them and Rylee loved all the food - She ate so much fruit! Logan fell asleep for a little bit, so we took Rylee on a slide. We picked one that was pretty fast and I think she was a little worried about slides the rest of the day!
Logan - Our little Muscle man! This is his latest camera pose!
Rylee sitting in her tube!
Cute kids playing in the tubes!
Logan taking a nap - Isn't he the sweetest!
While Logan was sleeping, me and Darren went on this sweet slide! It looked like a giant half pipe and was pretty scary! It was really fun! When Logan woke up, he was in a better mood and he and Rylee had much more fun in the water. We had a great time playing with Madi and Raegan in the wave pool! The kids were so funny! I wish I could have got some pictures, but there was a poop accident in the pool and they had to evacuate! They were laughing and playing in the waves and it was so cute! We spent some time in the kiddie pool and finally convinced Logan to try some water slides. We had a bit of a wait and the slide had this big tube that would fill up with water and then shoot it all out and push you down. These little girls were counting down "3,2,1 Blast Off!" and Logan and Rylee thought it was so funny! Soon, they were both saying it and Rylee would say it every time she jumped in the pool. Her little "Blast Off" was SO cute! Rylee was a little weary of the water at first, but by the end of the day, she was playing in the water and saying "splash, splash" and "kick, kick" and putting her face in trying to blow bubbles. Logan was going down all the slides and having a great time - Much better than crying! After a rough start to the day, the kids started having so much fun and didn't want to leave. We had to drag them out of the pool. We planned to leave by 5, but we ended up staying until closing at 8! A lot of our day was spent chatting with the Webber fam in the cabana - They love to sit around and talk and eat!We still had a 2 1/2 hour drive, so it made for a long day, but we still had a lot of fun! We loved visiting with the fam and Logan really got attached to Uncle Cory and Parker. Parker was so cute with Logan in the kiddie pool and then he and Parker were sitting and playing with Parker's watch for the longest time - It was too cute! We grabbed some quick dinner on our way home and got home a little after 11. Whew - What a long day! The good news is that the kids were so tired, they slept the whole way home! Here are the rest of our pictures - I always take too many!


Clark Family said...

Rylee's pig-tails look so cute!! And I don't believe you that Logan cried...:)

Jami said...

You have done a lot of fun things this summer. We will have to come up and go to bear lake with you sometime. It looks like fun. Seven peaks is fun. We enjoyed it this summer. You have the cutest kids!!

Jami said...

You have done a lot of fun things this summer. We will have to come up and go to bear lake with you sometime. It looks like fun. Seven peaks is fun. We enjoyed it this summer. You have the cutest kids!!