Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 8: The Trip Home

After our full week of touring theme park after theme park, I think that we were all ready to go home and probably ready to have a break from each other! We had a great time, but it was A LOT of family togetherness!!! We spent most of the morning packing up our stuff and then checked out of our hotel. We loved our hotel - It was great! Here is a pic of all of us kids together just before we left.
Then we headed to Downtown Disney for some souvenir shopping and lunch. They have some really fun shops there and we had a good time browsing around and got a few things. We really liked the Disney store, the Christmas store and the Lego store. It was SO HOT on Saturday it almost made me grateful for all the rain that we had had during the week!

Crazy Pirate Boys outside the Disney Store - our favorite place to shop! Logan loves his crazy uncles and had such a fun time with them on this trip! (Brad, Dean, Kyle, Jeff and Logan)

Rylee loves shopping!!! And she loved these Princess Babies - especially because they had their own blanket for her to wrap them in! She toted them all around the store and ended up bringing home Baby Belle. It is really cute and Rylee loves it!Me and Rylee with Cinderella - One of the Princesses we didn't get to see at the Parks.

After lunch, we were in a bit of a rush to return our rental cars and get to the airport. It was a little stressful, but we made it! Transporting all the luggage for 13 people can be quite a task. Darren took this picture with all of our stuff! I thought it was pretty funny. (At least some of us are still smiling!!!) My kids were SO exhausted! They ended up staying asleep while we moved them from the car into their strollers, and the whole ride on the shuttle to the airport.

Logan stayed asleep until we got to security and had to wake him up! He was so tired, I felt mean waking him up, but we had to fold the stroller and everything to get through security! That is the worst part of the airport!

Logan and Rylee chillin' at the airport waiting for the plane!

Rylee and Logan watching the airplanes. They were both really excited to fly in an airplane.

Right before we boarded the plane, they called my name and told me there was an available seat and that I could use it for Rylee's car seat! I was so excited that she would have a car seat to sit in and thought it would make the trip much easier. Once we got everyone strapped in, we noticed someone had sat in Darren's seat. They had double booked that seat, and there were no more available seats, so we ended up having to take the car seat out and check it! It was quite the fiasco!!! I think the trip would have gone much smoother if we would Rylee could have had a car seat to sit in, but oh well! I thought the trip home would be a breeze, because I thought they would both just sleep a lot, but I was wrong! Rylee stayed awake the whole 5 hours and was rather ornery! We had to take turns walking the plane with her. She did OK for most of the trip, but got pretty restless at times. The first little bit of the flight was rough for Logan because he was crying for Uncle Brad and we were sitting about 10 rows in front of everyone else. Once he got to go sit by them, he did great! They did bring him back though when he peed on Aunt Heather (his diaper leaked) and then he stayed with us! All in all, I think he did really well for a 3 year old! I ended up having to change both Logan and Rylee - What an interesting adventure trying to change diapers in the airplane bathroom! There is barely enough room to even move in there, let alone figure out a place to change a diaper! Happy to be going home!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Congratulations! You finished the whole trip!! And it only took only over a month to complete! With your details and pictures though, it's quite understandable. :)