Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 1: Leaving on a Jet Plane!

I am finally attempting to blog our family vacation, but it might take me awhile! I have been excited about this trip for a long time - First, because it is DISNEYWORLD and 2nd because this is the first time that we have ALL been on a Boman Family Vacation since before Dean's mission in 2002, so it was pretty exciting to all be able to go together!
We left for our Disneyworld trip on Saturday, July 12th. We needed to be at the airport pretty early, so we stayed at Darren's parent's house the night before so that we wouldn't have to get up quite so early. We were supposed to be at the airport at 7:45 am, but that is about what time we ended up leaving - A little behind, as usual, but we made it in plenty of time for the plane.
Logan was SO excited to fly on an airplane, especially with his uncles, aunts and Grandma and Grandpa and to Disneyworld!!! Rylee also learned the sign for plane and was pretty excited when she saw them at the airport and they both loved looking at the planes out the window while we waited.
I was pretty nervous about the 4 1/2 hour plane ride with 2 small kids, but it actually went pretty smoothly! I was amazed how well the kids did. Once we took off, Logan went and sat with his aunts and uncles and Rylee sat in his seat and took a nap, which was very nice. Once she woke up, Logan took a turn in the seat and also took a nap. I took tons of things for them to do, but with all the entertainment of their uncles and aunts, they didn't need much. Rylee's favorite thing was to play peek-a-boo over the seats! She thought she was hilarious!
Once we arrived, we spent quite awhile waiting at the airport for Darren and my dad to get the rental cars. We found some luggage carts and Dean pushed the kids around on them and they were in Heaven!!! Rylee especially LOVED it! She was on Uncle Kyle's lap and if you asked her if she was having fun, she would nod her head "Yes" very enthusiastically!
We got to our place and it was really nice - It was HUGE! I couldn't believe how many units there were. We had a 2 bedroom place with a kitchen and everything. We stayed in one room with Jay, Heather and Brad and everyone else stayed in the other unit. Darren and I had our own room with a crib for Rylee and our own bathroom and Logan slept on the pull-out bed with Uncle Brad. Heather and Jay had their own room and bathroom, too. While we were waiting for my dad to check us in, Logan discovered these funny elephant statues and had a blast with them - He was talking to them in this funny high-pitched voice and feeding them grass. It was pretty funny! While we were checking out our place, we wondered outside. We were pretty close to the water and there was a lizard right outside the door! Also, once we went outside, all these ducks started flocking towards us. The kids thought it was so great!
We decided to go to Disneyworld after dinner. We had thought it would be a little quicker to check in, so it was pretty late, but we headed to the Magic Kingdom anyway. Anyone who has spent time with Logan knows that he has the odd thumb holding obsession. I caught him holding Rylee's on the way to Disneyworld while she was asleep - I thought it was pretty funny! Rylee is pretty fiesty and I don't think she would have let him do that had she been awake. Anyway, by the time we got there, it was after 9, but it only felt like 7 to us with the time change, so it wasn't too bad and we were all pretty excited! It was really fun to go at night and see the castle all lit up. We watched a little light parade on the ferry on the way over. It was little boats all lit up to look like sea animals and was kind of fun. Some of our crew headed for Space Mountain, and we went with my mom and watched the fireworks, which were so great. The kids loved them and were so wide-eyed! We rode Buzz Lightyear and the Carousel and then met up with everyone for the Electromagic Light Parade which was also really fun! While we were waiting for the parade, Logan spotted this Buzz toy that he really wanted. It lit up and spun and he thought it was pretty cool. We decided if he was going to get something, he might as well have it for the whole trip, so he got it and I think he had it spinning during the whole parade! (That might explain why we had to change it out 3 different times during our stay!) We told him if he got it, that was it for the trip, and he did pretty good about asking for things when we reminded him that he already had his Buzz. Rylee also got a little light stick - The lady just gave it to her - and she thought it was really fun and liked to play it like a trumpet! After the parade, we rode Peter Pan and Small World. We were still going strong, but the park closed (at midnight) so we headed home! I thought the kids would be exhausted when we got back, but they were SO wound up! All Rylee wanted to do was jump on the bed! It was hard to settle them down - they had such a fun and busy day!


Clark Family said...

I love your pictures!! And I'm looking forward to the rest of the vaction details!

Melissa said...

I can't believe how BIG your brothers are! Wow, we are old!!