Sunday, August 10, 2008


Last weekend, my sisters and my mom and I had a really fun Girl's Weekend! It was a great break for me! For my mom's birthday in June, we bought tickets for all of us to go to the Martina concert. I am not the biggest Martina McBride fan, but I like her music and thought it sounded like a lot of fun. My mom decided that she wanted to make it a whole weekend and got us a hotel room and everything. It was so great! Darren was so good to stay home and watch the kids and didn't complain at all - Thanks honey! I actually had never left Rylee overnight before, so I thought that might be a little hard for me, but since she is 16 months old, I was fine (I think it was a little overdue!) and knowing she was with Darren made it much easier!
I left our house at 3:30 Friday and met my mom and sisters. Megan, my sister's friend, and Laura, Dean's girlfriend, also came with us and met us in Salt Lake. We were a little stressed to get out the door on time - We ran into a few problems - Vanessa didn't know the time or address of the concert (minor details...) and my mom couldn't find the key to the car. We found the info on the internet for the concert and my dad came home with a spare key and we were on our way. Poor Laura and Megan had to deal with so much changing around of plans and craziness! We finally all met up at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Salt Lake. We had a fun dinner and then headed to the concert at USANA. Laura, Megan, Heather, me, Vanessa and my mom in front going into the concert. We must have looked pretty cute because the radio station stopped us and offered us some upgrade tickets, but they only had 2 so we gave them to the people in front of us who we didn't want to watch cuddle the whole time. We should have given them to the chainsmokers next to us instead...
We were pretty late for the concert, but only missed the first act, which none of us knew anyway. We saw Jack Ingram, who was OK - I knew one or two of his songs - and then Martina came on. I didn't know too many of Martina's new songs, so I didn't know how much I would like it, but she sang a lot of her old stuff and the concert was AWESOME!!! Martina has an incredible voice and she was a great entertainer. I loved it! My favorite part of the whole concert was when they came back out for the encore and sang a Journey song and then "Hit Me With Your Best Shot!" It was sweet!
After the concert, Megan went home and we headed to the hotel. My mom, Vanessa and me went to the grocery store to grab some snacks and a DVD, and Heather and Laura went to check us in. When we came out of the store, my mom could not find her key and the Suburban was locked!!! The key was not in the ignition and we couldn't see it in the car, but they had since closed the store. We luckily saw an employee who let Vanessa back in the store and we found the key at the check out! Close call! We got back to the hotel and there was no DVD player so that was a bummer! We just stayed up having snacks, chatting and watching TV. I think Laura might have had a little more of us than she wanted to! Hopefully, she still likes us!
Saturday morning, we were very lazy but finally went to breakfast at Mimi's and then went shopping at the mall for the rest of the day.
Breakfast at Mimi's - Laura, Me, Heather, Vanessa and my mom
It was a lot of shopping, but I found a few good things! Once again, I think Laura was a little overwhelmed, but she was a good sport to hang out with us and I think we all had fun! I ended up getting back home around 9:30 that night, so it was 29 hours of fun for me.
Thanks Mom, Heather and Vanessa and Laura for such a fun time! And thanks D for watching the kiddies! I think we need to make it a tradition!


Clark Family said...

I can email you the pictures, or you can go on winkflash and get them from there. Or we're coming up tonight! If you remind me, you can get them off my camera then!!

Clark Family said...

Also, mom said she emailed hers already...if I remember right.

Melissa said...

Sounds fun! Sorry we didn't make it up today. Things are a little crazy! I am frantically trying to cram a million things into one day!! Let's plan a trip to the zoo in September. I have every other Wednesday off.