Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ry's Piggys!!!

The big day has finally arrived!!! Rylee's hair is now long enough for pigtails! It has probably been long enough for a while, but I am not really a hair person and haven't attempted it yet. I finally did the other day and thought she looked SO cute, although a little too grown up! I prefer her to look like my baby girl! Her hair is looking a little scraggly lately and is starting to resemble a mullet. I have been doing a little scrunching and using her natural curl, but was told the other day that it looked like a rat's nest, so I figured it was time for something new. It took quite a while to get both elastics in and secure - Rylee is a wiggle worm and wasn't happy about sitting still that long while her hair challenged mother figured things out! I first tried it in front of the mirror, and Rylee was doing OK playing in the water in the sink, but once she noticed what I was doing to her in the mirror, it was over! We moved to in front of the TV and that was more successful! It also helped to have Logan distract her a little - He is a great helper! I snapped a ton of photos, since I wasn't sure it would last long. I was right - It lasted all of about an hour! Good thing we have proof because it takes a LONG time to get them in, so I don't know how often it will happen - Maybe I will get better with practice. Doesn't she look cute though?
Back view - Don't look too closely! I'm still learning! The bows help cover up the mistakes though.

Side view

A front view - I tried and tried to get a cute picture from the front, but the piggys didn't show up too well. I thought this was just a cute picture of Ry though.

Another side view

On Saturday we went to Seven Peaks with Darren's fam and Rylee and I stayed at my mom's the night before (the boys were on a campout). My mom demonstrated piggys for me and did a much more professional job and it only took her a couple minutes - something I aspire too! I guess it helps that she practiced on 3 little girls, although she is quite out of practice since Vanessa is the youngest and now 19! These piggys were so cute and even lasted all day in the water!
Oh...That is how the part should look!
My cute Rylee with her little piggys!
So cute! She loved sitting in these little chairs for pictures - But there was too much going on for her to actually look at me, so this is as good as it gets!


Clark Family said...

What a doll! I'm a fan of the piggys!! About Lola, I don't know what we'll do...but we have to figure it out tonight. I'm currently working, and I feel awful that she's home alone. I should have brought her with me! My boss is gone, again.

Jennie said...

I LOVE piggies!! they are the best! If only Bay would still let me do her hair! I'm allowed one piggy straight in the back :) Stinker! You're header looks great by the way! You'll have to stop by next time you're down visiting your momma! We miss her ... maybe we need to go up there instead! :)

Karmann said...

K that is so stinkin cute on her and she is looking so grown up!! On our laptop Ryan has the four of us on the screen saver holding Rylee and Logan so he can see them everyday! We miss you guys!!

Jami said...

I love the piggies, they are so cute. It is so much fun when you can finally do their hair in fun ways!