Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Swimming Lessons

It took me all summer but I finally put Logan into swimming lessons. His session was August 11-14 and he loved it! (I'm a little behind...) I put him in a short one week session because I wasn't too sure how he would like it, but he did great! We probably should have gone with a two week session, but that seemed like a LOT of time at the swimming pool - every day for 2 weeks! This class was only 4 days. I think Logan probably could have done the next class up since a lot of this class was getting used to the water, and Logan has NO fear of the water. He thinks he can swim already since he is used to using his floaties and we swam so much in Vegas. That is why I really wanted him to take lessons, because he is a little too comfortable! I am glad that he learned a few things though and seems a little better in the water. I think we will get him into a couple sessions next summer. The first day Logan was a bit of a stinker! He was SO excited to be in the water that he kept leaving the stairs and a couple of times I thought he was going to drown because the teacher was pretty far away from him and it took a second to get him up. He had 2 other cute little boys in his class - Tyler and Peyton - and they were such angels, it made Logan look like a bit of a rebel since he didn't listen all that well. I think he drove his teacher a little nuts at times. Between him and Rylee wanting to get into the water, it was a little crazy! Luckily, Darren was there to help out on Monday and Wednesday. By the time we were done with lessons though Logan was doing MUCH better at listening! He learned how to do bobs, blow bubbles, backfloat, superman arms and airplane arms, practiced kicking and "Ice Cream Scoops" and do the "monkey crawl" along the wall and jump in (Logan's favorite!) Logan even got a little certificate saying he is ready for the next level. He thought that was pretty neat! The pool was indoors, and no matter what I tried with my flash, the pictures just didn't turn out very good - Some were dark and some were really blurry. Here they are anyway! Blowing Bubbles
He always wanted to be sure that we were watching!
Wrapped up in his noodle!Practicing some kicksBackfloat - I LOVE how sprawled out he is! His backfloats were my favorite to watch! This one is really dark, but I think it is hilarious! Notice Logan's legs - Spread eagle! Every time he started a backfloat, this is what happened! So funny!Cute little noodle train
Logan's favorite - Jumping in! He always tried to coax the teacher closer and closer so he wouldn't have to go all the way under. Logan also loved giving the cheer at the end of the day. I think they said "We Love Swimming!"
Logan and his teacher Megan. She was really cute with her class, even though I think Logan drove her a little bit crazy at times!

Rylee was a great sport to sit and watch Logan. The first day she was a little out of control and kept saying "Swim" and "Splash" and really wanted to get in. Darren had come along, so it wasn't that bad to control her, but I was pretty nervous for Day 2. I discovered that if I strapped her in her stroller and kept a constant flow of food coming, she was perfectly content. (The girl LOVES food!)Probably not the best thing to do, but it worked! She also did better if I just kind of ignored her, which sounds awful, but the moment that I looked at her, she wanted our of her stroller. I probably should have just done lessons for her too. Maybe next year!

After the first couple of days, we noticed that people were staying after lessons and swimming in the outdoor pool, so we joined them for the last 2 days and the kids loved it! Logan loved splashing around and trying out his "new skills" for Mom and Dad. Rylee also loved it! She is so funny and LOVES to jump into the pool. She says "Two, Three, Jump" and jumps whether you are ready for her or not! (I don't know what happened to one...) She was even putting her face in trying to blow bubbles and doing little kicks saying "kick, kick" and "Splash, splash". She loved it! Darren and I both swam with the kids on Wed, and Thurs I just let the kids play in the kiddie pool since we had somewhere to be afterwards and I didn't want to swim. Rylee was SO brave and just ran around with the bigger kids. She did fall once and it was kind of scary, but it didn't seem to phase her at all! (Don't mind Rylee's "booby" shots! She just got a new suit and it is a little big! We have since fixed the problem!) My kids love the water! Maybe we have another Michael Phelps and Darra Torres on our hands! Ha ha!

Logan gearing up for a big jump....into 1 1/2 foot water!

I laid out the kids' towels to change them and Rylee just laid down and started soaking up the sun! They both loved it and I thought it was so funny and cute!


Clark Family said...

I love the pictures!! Next time you guys come down you should bring your suits and we can all go swimming at Jay's parents house. We loved when with Rylee and Logan last time!!

Josh and Bethany said...

I love the pictures. I love swimming in the summer!! Your kids are so cute.