Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hurray! I have FINALLY finished posting everything from our family vacation! It took much longer than I thought, but I wanted to include all the details for our family journal. It is a bit of a novel and I don't expect that everyone will want to read it all, but it is there for those that are interested! I am happy to have it finished so I can get some other more recent summer activities posted soon! It is fun to have all those photos up on the blog - Logan LOVES when I open the blog and read to him about Disneyworld! He will say "Tell me about Epcot" or one of the other parks. It is so funny! That is why I LOVE blogs! It helps me remember all the fun and all the everyday things that make up our life! Enjoy!


Doug and Dawn said...

Wow what a vacation. You must have a photographic memory to remember all those details. It looks like a fun time. Doug and I would like to go to Disney world before we leave the East coast.

I read your post about potty training Logan.I have to admit that it is comforting to know that I am not the only one having trouble. He and Kate are the same age and I though that she would be potty trained by now but she is still back and forth with it as well. Good luck.

Robbs said...

This has nothing to do with your vacation (although I am glad that you finished everything) but I wanted to tell you that I just found a Portrait Innovations here! I took the other pics at Target. Although they came out cute, it wasn't the same as getting them done at PI. I saw your comment and thought I would look one more time to see if there was one! We will be back there at the end of Sept for Rexten's 1 yr pix---thanks for reminding me!
PS-everything looks great!