Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tub Talk

Logan's imagination is taking off lately and it is hilarious to watch him play. He says the funniest things while he is playing and makes his toys talk and say some pretty crazy stuff! He seems to be especially funny when he is playing in the tub. Tonight in the tub, we had the funniest conversation, and I had to post it before I forgot what he said. He was playing with some little toy and he said:
Logan: "I need to deliver this to someone I really love." (Where does this stuff come from?)
Me: "Oh yeah. Who is that?"
Logan: "Uncle Dean. He is my best uncle."
Me: "Why is he your best one?"
Logan: "Because Uncle Brad, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Kyle say Shut Up. Uncle Dean doesn't. He only says nice words."
Me: "Oh really."
Logan: "I am going to tell Uncle Jeff, Uncle Brad and Uncle Kyle to stop saying that word. They need to be examples."

HILARIOUS! He has been quite obsessed with the "S" word lately, and when I say the "S" word, I mean Shut Up. (We have had problems with the "other" S word in the past, but we are MUCH more careful now! I'm a bad mom...I know...) Logan is like the "Shut Up" Police! He is constantly telling us not to say it or tattling on who has said it. He will just randomly say, "Uncle Jeff says Shut Up. That's not a good word." I sometimes use it when I am surprised about something (like in Princess Diaries) and Logan will quickly remind me that that is a bad word and go on and on about it! It is pretty funny! I guess he is the one who is a good example a lot of the time!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I love this story!! Someone needs to tell the boys to read it! Especially Dean!