Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gold Medal Couch Potato

Is anyone else as obsessed with the Olympics as I am? I LOVE the Olympics and I can't get enough of them! I even find myself totally interested in sports you never see until the Olympics, like Synchronized Diving and Kayaking. I even have Logan hooked on them! He has been doing Gymnastics off of our couch and today at the pool, he told me he was playing Water Polo. Probably a little too much Olympics at our house...
I thought the Opening Ceremonies were amazing and I loved watching the US Men's Swimming Relay beat those French trash talkers! It was so exciting! I also love cheering on Michael Phelps in his total domination, although I think when you win THAT many medals and set that many records, do you even care to win another one? I am most excited though for the women's gymnastics!!! I am always a fan of that and it is so exciting at the Olympics. GO USA!!!
I don't know why the Olympics has so much appeal to me. Part of it is the competitive part of me, but I also become so caught up in all the personal stories and drama of it all. It is like Reality TV times 10! I can never turn it off, because I have to see what is going to happen to the people! This is why I also have to be careful of which Reality TV shows that I watch, because once I see one episode, I seem to HAVE to know what happens to the people on the show and who wins. For instance, I HATE "The Bachelor" but I always have to see who he or she ends up choosing. Lame, I know! I also used to LOVE ER, but I really don't care for it anymore. However, even though it is not reality TV, I have to know what happens to Abby, my favorite character and so I never miss it. (Thankfully, this year will be the last season.) I know that she is fictional but I just have to know!
In a related TV note, did anyone else watch SYTYCD? (So You Think You Can Dance). I think this is my new favorite show! It is so awesome - I loved this season! I was bummed that Chelsie didn't make the finals, but everyone was so great and the Finale was AWESOME!!! I know - I watch too much TV!!! Too bad you can't win a gold medal for that!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

We haven't watched much, but would like to...I especially liked Logan yelling "USA SOCCER!" the other night!!