Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Soccer Camp

June 6 - 10 - Logan spent his first week of summer break at the British Challenger Soccer Camp. He went last year, too and he loved it, so we decided to do it again this year. He moved up into the older group this year, so he went for 3 hours a day instead of just 1 1/2. He had a great time and he loved all the coaches and listening to their British accents!
Logan on his first day with his cool Challenger jerseyReady for camp

Some shots of Logan in action during their World Cup games. Each day, they would do lots of drills with kids their age and then split up into teams for World Cup games. Logan LOVED the World Cup! It was his favorite part of camp!
This is what Logan came home and did most days when camp was over. Sadly, he wasn't feeling well this week and he even missed the 2nd day of camp. We didn't know until that Friday, but he actually had salmonella! I probably shouldn't have been sending him, but he acted fine most of the time (except when he was pooping...) and wanted to go, so I sent him. Poor kid! It is rare he takes a nap these days, and I just thought he looked so sweet all curled up on the chair.
For the last day of camp, they had a big celebration and World Cup final. There was a contest to make a flag for your county. (Logan was Germany) They gave extra points for the biggest flag, most creative flag and smallest flag. Since Logan wasn't feeling so great, I didn't really worry about doing it, but he of course, wanted to participate. Luckily, Daddy came through with an awesome TINY flag that he made with a toothpick that he broke off and Logan tied for the smallest flag and got extra points for his team. He was SO proud!
For the last day, the parents could go and watch the last part of camp. First, they split off by ages and demonstrated all the skills they worked on. They did lots of dribbling and stuff. Here they are juggling off their knees. My favorite was watching them try and juggle on their heads! Hilarious!
They also tried to balance their ball on the back of their necks....
We got to watch a few World Cup games, too. Logan was on team Germany and they were terrible! I don't think they won a game most of the week. I think maybe they tied once...maybe... On Friday morning, before camp, he told us he needed to eat extra cereal for more energy because his team really needed him because they were so bad! It was so funny!
For some reason, Logan really liked to be the goalie. Probably so he could stand like this the whole game... Most of his team were really big kids, so it was a little hard for him to keep up.
Logan's team FINALLY won their very last game! They had quite a celebration!
Here is Logan's cute little group that he practiced with every day of kids his age.
Logan was so excited that his good buddy, Morgan was doing soccer camp, too! He also won for the most creative flag - which he made of Rice Krispies! - so it worked out really well for them both!
Logan and Coach Georgie. He LOVED her! She was so good with the little kids and so fun to listen to talk! Logan had a great experience and learned a lot. She wrote him a little card that said he was a great dribbler and just needed to work on speed and staying focused. They played so many fun games. My favorite was one where they would try and run across the field, and she would shoot balls and try to hit them to get them out. She would ask them if they were ready and they would say "I was born ready!!!" and flex their muscles. Then she would say Bomb's Away and they would run across and after she would ask if there were any survivors and they would sing "ah, ah, ah, Stayin' alive" while doing some John Travolta moves. It was so funny to watch! Logan had a very fun week - despite his illness!

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