Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just Plain Cuteness

Here are just a few of the funny things my kids have done over the last week or so.

Avery is starting to be a little bit hard to put down at night and really hard to put down for a nap. She has started to say "nuggle" when you go to put her down so you will hold her longer. It is my new favorite word that she says. It is really hard to put her down when she is asking to snuggle with you in the cutest little voice! She has never really been that cuddly of a baby, but lately she is always asking to "nuggle" all the time and I love it!

Avery is also getting quite opinionated. She is always telling us "No" when we pick bedtime stories and sometimes even wants a different baby to sleep with at night and she is getting very good at communicating what she wants. The other night I was putting her into her bed and she kept saying "La", which means she wants us to sing her another song and then she would say "God". I couldn't figure out what she wanted but after a minute or 2, I realized she wanted me to sing "I am a Child of God" to her after I put her in her crib. I think it is just another strategy to lengthen bedtime, but it is too cute to say no to, so it is now a part of her nightly bedtime routine.

Some of my very favorite conversations with my kids happen very first thing in the morning. Usually, our kids trickle into our room one by one in the morning (or at night...) and by the time we are getting up, the whole family is piled on our bed for a snuggle, or a wrestling match depending on the morning. One morning last week, I woke up to Logan just a few inches from my face and as soon as I started to open my eyes, he was telling me all about the 3 different Lego sets he was going to put on his Christmas list! He just wakes up and is ready to go! He kept going on and on... The kid is obsessed! I had to make a rule that we can't ask for anything for Christmas until Halloween is over. He was driving me crazy!

Another morning, we had another funny conversation that had me laughing all day long! We were telling the kids that we needed to get some chores done, and Logan was complaining about it. Our daddy told him that we needed to do some cleaning so our house wasn't dirty and stinky. He said it had been awhile since we had done chores, so it was starting to be a little stinky. Rylee then piped into the conversation and said, "Yeah. Our house is stinky because I tooted last night!" We were all cracking up! Somehow, farts seem to be SO funny so the kids kept talking about them. Our daddy said something about how his toots smell like flowers and the kids quickly disagreed! Logan said, "No dad! Your toots smell like OLD cheese!" Then Rylee said, "Dad, your toots smell like poop!" Gotta love the honesty of kids and the topic of toots! They giggle so much whenever that topic comes up!

Today, I told Avery she was a little stink! Then, she said, "No! Ry!" It was so funny! After that, it became a bit of a game. I would say, "Are you a stink?" and she would say, "NO! Daddy!" or "No! Ry stink!" She thought she was hilarious! She is talking so much now and loves to tease.

Rylee is a very observant child. She seems to notice just about everything. Like my zits! They never get past her. She is always asking me why I have them. The other day, I had one that was pretty large. Rylee said, "Oh mom! You have a goose egg!" I told her it was just a zit and she said, "No mom. Zits don't look like that. Big bumps are goose eggs." Thanks Rylee!

Logan has a rather funny vocabulary and sometimes I just think he sounds like an old man. The other day, he said, "Sorry about all that ruckus." Today, we were having a conversation, and I don't remember what it was about, but at the end of it he said, "Yeah, mom. Lit-ER-AL-LY!" What???? He is SIX!

Our nice neighbors shared some of the zucchini from their garden with us since our garden didn't do so well this year. Rylee loves all veggies and was talking about something but she kept saying "zuzukis" instead of zucchinis. Daddy asked her what a zuzuki was and she said, "You know. It is just like a squash, but about the size of a rabbit and our neighbors gave them to us." Not sure where the rabbit comparison came from...

I love the funny things my kids do and say! I wish I was better at remembering them all! I am going to miss being entertained all day when they go back to school in a couple weeks!

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