Saturday, August 13, 2011

At the Pool...

June 20 - June 30 - We spent most of our days the end of June at the pool doing swimming lessons. Logan and Rylee had lessons Mon-Thur from 11:00 - 11:40 for the last 2 weeks of June. One of the perks at doing lessons where we do is that we can stay after and swim in the outdoor pool afterwards, so we spent lots of time hanging out at the pool. The kids loved the kiddie pool and Logan wanted to spend every spare second in the hot tub. We were also lucky to have lots of friends take lessons in the same session so we almost always had lots of friends to play with. It was a lot of fun, but by the end, I think we were ready for a break from the pool! Rylee waiting for her teacher on her very first day. This was Rylee's second year doing lessons and she did a great job. She got really good with putting her face in the water and could even swim a little on her own and was really close to doing a back float on her own, too. She loved it and wasn't afraid of the water at all and had a great teacher!
Logan waiting for his teacher. I think this was year #4 for Logan. Logan's teacher the first week was great and Logan was making tons of progress. He swims pretty well on his own, but needs some help with his kicking and a few things. He was getting better...until week 2 when he got a new teacher. He didn't help Logan at all or show him what he was doing wrong. It was pretty frustrating to watch! Logan still had lots of fun and has a little more confidence in the water now.
Logan was lucky enough to be in a class with his buddy, Carter!
For the first 2 days, I had 2 little spectators to watch the swimming with since we were babysitting my nephew, Ethan. They did pretty good as long as I kept the snacks coming. On the first day, Darren was there to help me. On Day 2, it was a little harder. I think everyone there thought I had twins, but then on Day 3 I showed up with just Avery and I think they were a little confused! Rylee on day 1 - For some reason, all the kids liked climbing on this. Rylee with her class. She made lots of cute new friends.
Rylee's favorite part every day was jumping into the pool at the end!
Logan on Day 1 - He swims really well with his face in the water, but he kicks his legs up in a ball like this so he doesn't get very far very fast. It is a little bit funny to watch!
Doing a backfloat
Staying after to enjoy some swimming! It was pretty hard to keep these 2 out of the pool until the end of lessons! They were excited to swim!
Poor Ethan jumped right into the kiddie pool and I think he misjudged how deep it was. He went underwater and after that, he wanted no more swimming! He would splash on the side, but he was NOT getting back in!
June 27 - On Logan's birthday, we got some pizza for a special birthday lunch after lessons and got to swim with Daddy.
Avery enjoying her pizzaRylee
Swimming with Daddy!!! They love doing this!
Avery wasn't very sure about the water most days, but by the end of lessons, she was a maniac and jumping and trying to swim on her own! A little scary!
The birthday boy!
Rylee about to jump in. She got a lot more brave during lessons!
Daddy and his girls
Avery catching some sunLogan taking the plunge! The best part of lessons was taking home tired kids every day! We got great naps in during lessons... well... at least Avery did and the other kids had quiet time and were exhausted!
June 30 - Last day of lessons!!!
I think his muscles grew during those 2 weeks. What do you think?
Cute Rylee!Every day, they would line up on this fence under their teachers name and wait for their teacher to come and take them to the pool. How cute are these friends?
Rylee and her little class
My swim watching buddy! She got a little crazy at times, but overall Avery handled the HOURS of watching swimming pretty well! And we went through TONS of snacks!!!
Last day pictures of Ry - There are no pictures of the days in between because they would only let us sit by the pool for the 1st and last day. The other days we had to sit way up in the top and I couldn't get any pictures. This is her class playing red light, green light by kicking their feet. Rylee loved this!
I love how excited Rylee is to do her superman float!
Rylee swimming with her teacher - I love how her little eyes are just poking out of the water. Rylee and some other little girl who jumped into the picture... She loves to kick and splash! Rylee's backfloat
Logan on his last day of lessons
Swimming underwater - His kicks were getting better and he was doing his arms really well until he got the new teacher...
Buddies! Sometimes this was bad, because they didn't always listen. But, they had so much fun together!
Working on their kicks
Logan raising his hand for a turn to jump into the pool

At the end of lessons, they always had a cheer every day. Rylee loved that part! She was always the first one up there!
Rylee and her cute teacher, Kaitlyn. She was really cute with the kids!
After our LAST day of hanging out at the pool. I wish I could have gotten better pictures of the kids with their friends, but they had a blast every day swimming and I would always have to drag them out of the pool!
Yeah for summer time and swimming!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

That explains why Ethan's been scared of the tub!! He's finally getting over it!! I love the picture of Avery on the towel! At first I thought it was Ry. She's getting so big!! Thanks again for watching E for us!