Friday, August 5, 2011

Lock her up!

June 9 - This girl makes me worried.... Rylee came out dressed like this and informed me she looked like Lady Gaga! Yikes!!! Where does she come up with this stuff? I don't even think she knows what Lady Gaga looks like! When I asked to take her picture, she really started working it for the camera and striking some poses and faces with NO coaching! I have no idea how she comes up with this stuff - I don't know if I should laugh or cry! What is THAT FACE??? She definitely has her own style! Complete with high heels! It is maybe not GOOD style, but style nonetheless! Watch out for this one!
Her eyes are closed, but at least she is smiling like a cute little girl and not pulling those faces!!!
Puttin' out the vibe....

Yes... She is FOUR!!! I think we may have to lock this one up when she turns 12! Or maybe when she turns 5! She has some serious attitude!

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