Friday, August 12, 2011

Batter UP!

A lot of our nights in the month of June were spent at the ball park watching Logan play his very first season of Tball. It was quite entertaining! Logan really wanted to play last year when a lot of his friends did, but his birthday JUST missed the cutoff, so he was really excited for this season. He played every Tuesday and Thursday night from June 7 - June 30. And, I got to spend more time than I originally planned because I was the coach. It was a bit more challenging than I expected it to be. Tball is much harder to coach than soccer because they really don't know what to do, and you can't just tell them to go out there and kick the ball. Learning all the positions can be hard at this age. You have to tell them where to throw the ball every time and then none of them could really catch, so it was kind of hard and required a LOT of patience. And, they ALL wanted to be the pitcher or the catcher and got mad if they weren't! But, it was a fun season and Logan had a great time playing! Because I was the coach and not the photographer this season, the pictures are pretty limited... Logan all ready for his VERY first game! All the kids wanted to know what a Brewer was, since that was our team, but I wasn't too sure how to explain that one. Not the best mascot for little kids, I guess.
Logan running the bases - He is FAR away, but that is him on 3rd with the purple helmet. He loved running the bases!
Logan and his buddy from school, Brayden. He was on one of the other teams and he and Logan just kept talking and playing during the whole game.
Logan playing first base. He really liked this position! He ALMOST had that one! I think he might have made an out on this play - Or he was close! That didn't happen too often in our league.
Just being silly...
Ready for the throw. I don't know why the only pictures I have of him are playing first... He did play other things.
Our cute little first baseman at one of his last games. He really improved throughout the season. I made the kids each a little collage with a team and an individual picture as a gift for the last game. Here are Logan's individual pictures I took...
And.... Here is our team! The Brewers! I was a little sad that we only knew 3 of the other kids on the team, but it was fun to make some new friends. Back Row: Will, Gabby, Logan, Jayden and James Front Row: Gwen, Chad, Owen, Shaylee and Quin
Logan and Coach Mommy!

Logan's favorite positions to play this season were catcher, pitcher and 1st base (just like every other kid on the team...). For some reason, they thought it was really cool to get to wear the helmet to be the catcher. Some of my favorite memories are watching Logan play catcher. He would have to sing a little song before he would put the ball on the tee each time. It was hilarious! He would also do some commentary about who was up to bat. I will also remember his accident in the outfield and how he just came up to me and said, "Mom, I peed my pants." like it was something that happened every day (which it is NOT!) I couldn't believe he wasn't more stressed! I was!!! He also liked to talk to all the kids running the bases when he played a base. I kept telling him he needed to leave them alone and he would tell me he was giving them advice. Logan started the season out throwing underhand and not being able to catch too many balls, but by the end of the season, he was throwing overhand really well and was getting better at catching. He definitely improved and had a lot of fun! We had a good time, but we were pretty glad when Tball was over so we could have some of our summer nights back.

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