Friday, August 5, 2011


June 16 - It seemed like this summer was a long time coming with SO much rain and yucky weather for so long! But, once is warmed up, all this baby girl wants to do is SWING! She loves it! And she will stand by our back door almost any day and saw "wing" or swing almost all day, but it sounds a little like "wee" which is what she says the WHOLE time she is swinging! She is so crazy and the higher the better! She loves "upper dogs" which is the name my kids and hubby have invented for when he stands in front of them and grabs their legs and pulls them up as high as he can and then lets them go. She giggles and giggles! There is nothing quite like a happy baby giggling in a swing on a nice day! This particular day, I had a little too much fun with my camera....

She also now prefers the big girl swing. Apparently, if you are past 18 months, the baby swing is just not that cool.

I love that happy face!!!

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