Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Celebrating the Birthday Boy!

June 27 - On Logan's birthday, the celebrations continued. At our house, on your birthday you pretty much get to do whatever you want all day. You pick all the meals, whatever activities you want to do. It is all about YOU! So, here is what Logan picked for his SIXTH birthday festivities...
Here are the LAST pictures of Logan as a 5 year old.... Isn't he so sweet? I snuck in and took these just before midnight. I was hoping to sneak in and take one the next morning but he was up MUCH earlier than me. He was SO excited for his birthday!!!
I am pretty sure that Logan dreamed about Legos all night long! He woke up talking about them and couldn't wait to get putting them together. He only got to put together one set the night before because it was kind of late by the time his party was over. He and Dad tackled the Harry Potter set FIRST thing in the morning!
While the boys worked on the Lego assembly, Mom made Logan his FAVORITE breakfast - Chocolate Chip Pancakes!!! We also had strawberries and blackberries and we served the pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. It was like dessert and SOOO yummy! They got a BIG thumbs up with the birthday boy!
Next, it was time to open presents!!! YEAH!!! Logan kept shaking the presents to see if any were Lego sets. The kid was OBSESSED! He said on multiple occasions, "If I get one more Lego set, that will be FOUR in 2 days and I am going to FREAK out!" He also mentioned something about his head exploding.
A Dino-basketball book - Two of Logan's favorite things
I love how Logan opens presents that contain clothes. He just dumps them out and moves on to the next thing. I don't know why I even bother wrapping them up except that I feel like he should get new clothes to wear on their birthday.
Rylee couldn't wait to give her present to Logan! She really liked "helping" him...
Opening the Lego Star Wars set....
And there is the "FREAK OUT" he warned us about...
His favorite part of the Lego sets is the mini-figures and he got lots in the 2 new sets he got - He ended up with Yoda, Count Dooku, Obi-Wan, Luke Skywalker, C3PO and R2D2. He was SO happy!
Logan and his stuff! He got some clothes, a new swim suit, a Spongebob Leapster game from Avery, a DinoBasketball book, 2 Star Wars Books (Secrets of the Jedi and the complete Lego Star Wars Dictionary, which he now reads at least an hour a day!), Toy Story Operation, Pirates of the Carribbean walkie-Talkies, 2 Lego Star Wars sets (one from Rylee) and a Star Wars V19 Torrent Starfighter. (I only know the WHOLE name because that is the only way he will refer to it!)
After presents, we had to hurry off to swimming lessons. After lessons, we got to stay and swim for a little bit and Daddy even joined us for awhile, which was a special and fun treat! We also got pizza for lunch to eat at the pool. Logan loved that!
Logan and his buddy, Carter. They were in the same swim class and had so much fun together!
Logan swimming with Daddy

Ready to jump in

After we got home from swimming, it was time for Logan to try out his presents! He LOVED his new starfighter and was dying to assemble the Legos!
Once Mom got Avery down for her nap, we spent quite a bit of the afternoon assembling the new Lego sets. Here they are all displayed! He looks pretty proud of himself!
Logan got to choose our dinner spot, too. He chose Chuck-A-Rama. We tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted. Once we got there, all he could talk about was the rice pudding! Sometimes I wonder about this child! He reads the sports page with his breakfast and can't wait to eat rice pudding... Is he SIX or SIXTY??? I love my Logan!
Enjoying some dinner.... He did drop a full plate of food on the floor, but he had a great time and loved his Chuck-A-Rama food.
Thumbs up for the rice pudding. He didn't really love it though. I don't think it lived up to his high expectations.
Since the rice pudding wasn't as delicious as he expected, he also tried some vanilla ice cream with gummy bears. He REALLY liked that!
After dinner, we went to see Cars 2! Logan really enjoyed it. Avery was a bit of a stinker, but Logan and Rylee were pretty into the movie. I don't think it was as funny as the first one, but it was pretty good. Logan especially liked all Mater's funny lines and still likes to quote some of the lines from the movie.
Even though we had multiple desserts at Chuck-A-Rama and even though it was REALLY late by the time we got home from the movie, Mom still insisted that we sing Happy Birthday and let Logan blow out a candle on his cake. I think that is a MUST on every birthday! I'm really weird about certain things that HAVE to happen on birthdays...

Hopefully, all of Logan's birthday wishes come true and hopefully he had a great birthday! We still had one more celebration with his friends to come.

We just love our Logan! I wrote down a bunch of his favorites from a birthday interview I had with him, but I will save them for another post since this one is so long. Here are SIX of my favorite things about our birthday boy!
1 - Logan is the BEST big brother anyone could ask for. He is always so kind to the girls and he loves his sisters. I love when he plays with Rylee and they end up playing Star Wars and Princesses. They somehow manage to merge their worlds and it is so cute to see.
2 - Logan is a SPONGE! I swear he remembers everything he ever hears and he loves learning about things. Most of his favorite books are books about animals or dinosaurs that give lots of facts. He loves that stuff!
3 - Logan is hilarious! If you hang out with Logan, you will know what I mean. He is constantly saying funny things, even though he usually isn't trying to be funny. He cracks us up all the time!
4 - Logan is my cuddle bug! He always wants to squish onto your lap, even when there is no room, or curl up next to you. I love that he still likes to cuddle! He also still sucks his thumb and likes to take your thumb and rub the nail. I don't know how that started, but I don't know how we will ever break that habit!
5 - Logan LOVES life! He is always SO excited about things. I love that he jumps up and down constantly when he is excited. Like the other night, we played Disney Scene it as a family and he jumped up and down during every video challenge because he was so excited!
6 - Logan is very passionate! When Logan loves something, he becomes somewhat obsessed. For instance, he LOVES Aggie basketball and he knows all the players, their numbers and their stats and he becomes VERY emotional during their games and he hates to see them lose. Or Star Wars....he is totally obsessed! It is all he talks about some days and he knows everything about how lightsabers are made and where the crystals in the lightsabers are found or how many pieces are in each different Lego set and what year they are made. When he finds something he likes, he gets REALLY into it!

I don't know why but SIX sounds so much older than five to me. I probably said that about five, too. I just have a hard time seeing my babies grow so fast! I wish I could freeze time right now and keep him in this sweet and innocent stage forever!

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