Monday, August 8, 2011

Logan's Family Birthday Party

June 26 - In June, we had another birthday to celebrate! Yeah!!! I love birthdays! Logan got to have his family party the day before his actual birthday. He was so excited for weeks and loved changing the countdown blocks each day for the whole month counting down to the BIG day! He had a great day with all the family here and loved playing with his cousins, aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas. He is a lucky little boy!
I like to make cakes for the kids' parties. Sometimes it stresses me out, but I think it is kind of fun. Logan wanted a Star Wars birthday, so I found this lightsaber cake online and it turned out to be pretty easy. This is how is started out. I just cooked a cake in a regular 9 x 13 pan and then cut it into strips and assembled it and then trimmed around it a little.
Then, I added some frosting! And...Don't mind my mess. Darren always tells me I am the messiest cook in the kitchen!
A little more frosting.... Now it is starting to look like a lightsaber! Logan checking on Mom's progress and giving a few pointers about how a lightsaber should look.
The birthday boy and his cake - I think it was a big success! He loved it!
I didn't get a very good picture of the setup. Besides the lightsaber cake, we also had little lightsaber pretzels. They were delicious!
To start the party off, we ate a delicious dinner! Here are some of Logan's cousins: Cambree, Katey, Liam, Mason, Ryan and Taylor. We love our fun cousins!
Rylee and Avery eating with Aunt Vanessa in the shade
The birthday boy chowing down!
Next, it was time for presents and this boy got SPOILED!!!

LOVE this one! He was a little excited... Can you tell? He LOVES his Star Wars Legos!!! Trying to read a card. I think it is pretty hard to concentrate on that when you want to open more presents.
He got a bunch of Star Wars action figures from his Boman uncles. He was really excited for Qui-Gon Jinn!
Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura got Logan a Harry Potter lego Quidditch set! He was SO excited! He is almost done with Harry Potter #2 and he LOVES it!
A bug vacuum from Great-Grandma
Checking out his new telescope
Logan and Mason checking out his Harry Potter legos. He just kept coming back to these and picking them up. He was SO excited about them!
Our silly boy
He got this Star Wars Lego set from Grandma and Grandpa Webber - He was so funny about it. The box said ages 7-12 and he was very concerned that he was only 6! I think he said something like, "Ummm...Grandma, did you notice that this box says SEVEN to 12. I am only six!" Luckily, Grandma told him that she knew he could do it anyway. I think he was ready to return it just because of that, even though he was really excited about it! We got it put together pretty fast and now he is pretty confident he can handle the 7 - 12 Lego sets. The EIGHT to 12 Lego sets he says he needs to wait another year or so for...
Grandma Boman made Logan his very own set of Jedi robes! He was pretty excited to look like an official Jedi! She is a pretty awesome Grandma to sew those with her arm in a sling!
Logan got this Cars blanket from Vanessa and Brian. It is pretty cool because it is 3D. The babies REALLY liked it and played on it for quite awhile! They kept laying down and saying "night, night"

Here is what Logan got, just for my own journaling - Cars Swimsuit and Toy Story puzzle and Cars shirt from Great-Grandma Mary, Bug Vacuum and Telescope from Great-Grandma Pauline, Star Wars action figures (lots!) and lots of Magic Treehouse books from Kyle and Brad, an Aggie hat and watch from Uncle Jeff, Cars blanket from Vanessa and Brian, Lego Star wars pjs from Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay, Toy Story games from Ethan, Harry Potter Legos from Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura, Lego Star Wars sets from Aunt Kim and Uncle Chris and family and also from Uncle Matt and Aunt Mandy and cousins. Lego Star Wars set from Grandma and Grandpa Webber and Jedi robes from Grandma and Grandpa Boman and a Lightning McQueen set from Katie and Cory, who couldn't make it to the party.

Next, it was time for cake!!!
Because Logan's lightsaber cake wasn't very big, I had to pick up an extra cake from Sam's Club. I guess it was a little silly to even have the lightsaber cake, but that was what he wanted. We celebrated Logan's birthday on Grandma Boman's actual birthday, so we had to sing to her first and gave her her own cupcake and candle.
Time to blow out the candles....
Mom and Dad and the birthday boy! We love this kid!!!
Enjoying his cake and ice cream
Gotta love BLUE frosting! Rylee liked the cake, too!
I tried to get Logan's picture with the party guests, but it was a little hard to catch them all with all the people and everyone leaving. Here Logan is with his cousin, Mason. They are such cute little buddies! Poor Mase had really bad allergies and his eyes were so swollen!
Logan with Grandma and Grandpa Webber
Uncle Dean also brought an HDMI cable for our Xbox, since last time he visited he noticed we didn't have it hooked up that way and he was appalled! I think Logan liked this present almost as much as his Harry Potter legos Dean bought him.... not quite, but close! He couldn't wait to try his Star Wars Lego in HDMI. Apparently, it is SO much better now...
All the pictures with Heather and Jay are blurry.... But here are Uncle Jay, Aunt Heather and Ethan with the birthday boy.
Logan and Uncle Brian and Aunt Vanessa
Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura and Logan
Avery LOVED Logan's new blanket and played on it for most of the party.
Xbox with the uncles
Grandma and Logan modeling the Jedi robes she made for him. They came in handy for his Jedi training birthday a couple days later.
Logan and Great-Grandma Mary
Logan and Great-Grandma Pauline
Rylee brought Great-Grandma the WHOLE stack of Magic Treehouse books to read to her. I think they were both in heaven! Rylee was a little disappointed though when Grandma couldn't finish them all for her. Logan and THE BOYS - Uncle Jeff, Uncle Brad and Uncle Kyle. Logan and Grandpa Boman
And...then we were done to business! Building Legos!!! Logan couldn't wait to get started on these!
Rylee wanted to help, too.
Such a fun day for our Logan! He is so lucky to have so many people who love him so much and we are so glad that so much of our family could be here when we live far away and it isn't too convenient to make the drive just for a birthday party. Thanks for coming!!! Logan really loves being around his family. It was a perfect party for him. Then, there was lots more celebrating to do....

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