Saturday, August 6, 2011

Father's Day and Moses

June 19 - Just for the record, we have the world's Greatest Dad at our house! At least that is what his crown says!
We really do have the BEST daddy! He does everything for us and the kids were so excited to surprise him with breakfast in bed on his special day. (Although how much of a surprise is it if we do it every year?) Rylee was also very excited to give him this special crown and they couldn't wait to give him presents! It wasn't very exciting - Just some new shirts and some yummy raspberry jalapeno jelly from one of our favorite little bakeries. Oh, and a card Rylee picked out that sang and lit up. My kids are obsessed with those! I don't know what we would do without our dad! He is so great to help out and play with the kids and works so hard for our family and is a great example for us. We sure love him!!!

The kids sang in sacrament meeting for daddy, and then after church we went to Grandma and Grandpa Boman's for a Father's Day dinner. While we were there, our daddy got another special treat. You see, Darren has a bit of an obsession with snakes and reptiles. He even took a whole class on them in college and they went out to some crazy snake nest and saw TONS of snakes and Darren loved it! I remember we went to the San Diego Zoo right after we got married and he spent SO much time in the reptile house, and I couldn't wait to get out. He loves that stuff! Well, so does my little brother, Kyle and he recently acquired a ball python. He is babysitting it for a family friend while they are on a mission. He just got it the weekend of Father's Day, so it was another special surprise for our daddy who was like a little kid holding Moses the snake!
Oddly enough, Logan wasn't too into the snake. It made him very nervous. The girls, however, loved the thing! Logan told Rylee that he was the careful one and liked to think about things, but she just "rushes right into danger!"
Avery LOVED Moses, too. My favorite is hearing her say the word snake. It is so funny! She gets so excited and says, "NNNNNake!"
You would think they are petting some cute little puppy or something...
I love her eyes in this one! After everyone else was tired of watching the snake, these two were still hooked! The babies sat and watched the snake and laughed at him for quite some time. I thought they looked pretty cute watching him together. Cheap entertainment, I guess.

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