Monday, August 1, 2011

School's Out

June 1 - I realize summer is now almost over, but we have been busy, busy, busy! Here are a few pictures from Logan's LAST day as a Kindergartener!!! I can hardly believe that he will actually go to school ALL day in a few short weeks. He can't wait for school lunch! They got to have school lunch the week before school got out to "test" it and Logan was SO excited! He told me it was the best rice he ever tasted! What will I do without my little boy all day long? I am worried about losing my helper. And... I am still working on uploading the pictures from his last program. It was SO fun!

Logan is just about the sweetest boy ever. He made the cutest card for his teacher. We adored her and I was in tears saying good-bye on the last day. I am such a baby, I know! She was so great with Logan and the kindest teacher who LOVED those kids so much. It made it so much easier to send him off each day. Logan invited her over for dinner on June 31st... I told him we would have to reschedule that! Here is the front of the card....
Logan and his teacher
The inside.... I told him to write a favorite memory. He wrote: "My faverite was wen you died your feet green" and he drew a Shamrock. His teacher dyed her feet green on St Patrick's Day and he thought it was hilarious! I think it had something to do with the leprechaun that visited their class and played some tricks on them.
One last noteAll ready for his last day of school! They got to have snow cones and they cleaned their desks with shaving cream and got into a little bit of a shaving cream fight. He had a great last day! In his favorite "I'm JAW-some" shirtLogan and his cute teacher. We will miss her! And to celebrate, we had to get some Aggie Ice Cream!
Eating Aggie Ice Cream is one of their favorite things! Yeah!!! School is out for the summer!!! And just for fun, a little comparison... Logan on the LAST day of school
And Logan on his FIRST day of Kindergarten back in September.
All 3 kiddies on the FIRST day of school....
And on the LAST day of school! Where does the time go? I am loving the summer time! Some days I am DEFINITELY ready to send these kids back to school, but most of the time, it makes me sad to think about them going back. Especially ALL day long! I think 1st grade is going to be REALLY hard on me!!!

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